Sunday, May 26, 2013

[Mobile Cellphone Info] Botox and Exercise

Mobile Cellphone Info has posted a new item, 'Botox and Exercise'

Every once in a while a question from a client stumps me. This is one I got
recently: how long should I wait to exercise after Ive gotten Botox? Hunh I had
no idea. Time for some investigation.

Luckily one of my best friends owns a MedSpa, so all I had to do was pick up the
phone. Bridget from Boston Skin is one of the best in the business and also one
of the most thoroughly researched people I know. I asked her about Botox and
exercise and she checked in with her Medical Director, Joseph A. Russo, and got
the following answer:
The point of all this is to allow the Botox to bind and enter the nerve and get
the best effect possible. Exercise, hanging upside down, and putting your head
down all increase blood flow to your face and have the potential of washing out
the Botox and lessening the effect. Rubbing the area may cause the Botox to
spread to an area that was unintended. After four hours, or certainly by the
next day, all activities can be resumed.
The basic idea then is to give yourself a minimum of four hours and a whole day
cant hurt. This is actually pretty easy just plan your Botox session after
youve had your workout for the day and ideally the day before a rest day. Dr.
Russo also said rubbing it can cause the Botox to move to an adjacent muscle, so
dont do that for the same amount of time as well.
As to the question of whether or not you should do Botox, that is a loaded
question. Do women need to inject themselves to feel beautiful? Is this a
societal norm? Are we risking potential side effects?
Honestly, Im not going to go there. My expertise doesnt lie in this area at all
I can tell you I had it done once, mostly because I was curious, and I hated it.
I did like how I looked, but I have a very expressive face and one of my big
moves is to raise an eyebrow. I do it ALL the time. I didnt realize just how
much I did it until I couldnt it drove me nuts.
So Im combatting wrinkles with a lot of lotions and potions thanks to Bridget
and her expertise and Im keeping my wayward eyebrow.
If youre considering Botox and want to know if you can immediately go back to
exercise, the prudent answer is no. Just keep that in mind the next time youre
planning an appointment.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Mobile Cellphone Info

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