Thursday, February 14, 2013

[Info Ponsel] Chime, Notifikasi Gmail, Facebook, dan Twitter di Satu Tempat

Info Ponsel has posted a new item, 'Chime, Notifikasi Gmail, Facebook, dan
Twitter di Satu Tempat'

Bagi Anda pengguna browser Google Chrome yang aktif di media sosial, ekstensi
apa yang Anda gunakan untuk meanmpilkan notifikasi dari berbagai media sosial
tersebut? Pasti beragam jawabannya. Media sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter,
Google+, dsb. pada umumnya memiliki banyak ekstensi (baik resmi maupun tidak
resmi) yang berguna untuk memunculkan notifikasi bila ada aktivitas baru.

Bayangkan betapa ramainya bar ekstensi Google Chorme Anda seiring dengan
banyaknya ekstensi media sosial yang Anda pasang. Selain itu, semaikin banyak
ekstensi yang terpasang, akan memberatkan kinerja Google Chrome Anda, serta
memperlama waktu startupnya. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, gunakan saja ekstensi

Chime adalah ekstensi Google Chorme yang mampu menampilkan notifikasi dari
berbagai media sosial di satu tempat, sehingga bisa menghemat ruang di bar
ekstensi Anda, dan juga meringankan kinerja browser kesayangan Anda.

Sampai artikel ini ditulis, Chime bisa memunculkan notifikasi dari Gmail,
Facebook, Twitter, Google+, FourSquare, Flickr, Linkedin, Quora, Github,
StackOverflow, dan Reddit.

Setelah terpasang di Google Chrome, Chime otomatis akan aktif untuk setiap media
sosial (dengan syarat Anda telah login ke media sosial tersebut). Bila Anda
tidak menginginkan Chime menampilkan notifikasi dari media sosial tertentu, Anda
dapat mematikannya di laman opsi Chime, lalu klik Done.

Setelah itu, ketika ada notifikasi baru dari media sosial yang Anda pilih, Chime
akan menampilkan kotak notifikasi di sebelah kanan bawah layar PC atau laptop
Anda. Kotak notifikasi tersebut memiliki warna sisi yang berbeda untuk tiap
media sosial (misalnya biru untuk Facebook, merah untuk Gmail, dsb.) sehingga
memudahkan Anda dalam mengidentifikasi dari media sosial mana notfikasi tersebut

Saat kotak notifikasi muncul, Anda dapat mengunjungi link notifikasi,
menandainya sebagai sudah dibaca (klik tanda centang di sisi kanan kotak), atau
menutupnya. Untuk melihat keseluruhan notifikasi secara kronologis, klik ikon
Chime di bar ekstensi lalu klik tombolAll Notification (di samping tombol

Apabila Anda tidak ingin terganggu dengan berbagai notifikasi media sosial saat
Anda bekerja, klik saja tombol Do Not Disturb Mode (di samping tombol Clear All)
untuk mematikan seluruh notifikasi.

Chime merupakan solusi yang memudahkan Anda dalam mengelola notifikasi dari
berbagai media sosial, sehingga Anda tidak perlu lagi memasang bermacam-macam
ekstensi untuk setiap media sosial. Untuk memasang Chime, kunjungi Chrome Web
Store melalui link berikut ini.
Install Chime dari Chrome Web Store
© Copyright 2012 - 2013 | Some rights reserved
Artikel ini pertama kali diterbitkan di

Pastikan Anda menyertakan link artikel ini bila hendak menerbitkannya di situs
lain. Hargai karya orang lain.

Terima kasih :)

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Info Ponsel

[Kaskus.ES] 10 Pekerjaan Paling Aneh di Dunia

Kaskus.ES has posted a new item, '10 Pekerjaan Paling Aneh di Dunia'

Pekerjaan Paling Aneh di Dunia

Pekerjaan memang membutuhkan skill atau kemampuan disetiap bidang yang akan
digeluti, Tapi apa jadinya jika pekerjaan tersebut bisa dilakukan semua orang
tapi hal tersebut adalah hal konyol, aneh dan Gila.


You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[] Jual Baju Korea Stripe Hodie has posted a new item, 'Jual Baju Korea Stripe Hodie'

Baju Korea Rajut Model Stripe Hodie Busana Wanita Stripe Hoodie ini mengikuti
trend busana Korea yang sedang trendy dan banyak diminati di seluruh Indonesia.
Bahan rajut berkualitas plus asesoris tali di pinggang sangat nyaman di pakai.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[Kaskus Marketplace] Jual Baju Anak-Anak Karakter Satuan dan Grosir

Kaskus Marketplace has posted a new item, 'Jual Baju Anak-Anak Karakter Satuan
dan Grosir'

Menjual baju anak karakter, berbahan soft cotton, adem dan halus.
Sangat cocok untuk pakaian casual sehari-hari.
Ukuran 1 - 6 tahun
size 1 lebar dada 29 cm panjang 42 cm
size 2 lebar dada 30 cm panjang 43 cm
size 3 lebar dada 31 cm panjang 44 cm
size 4...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Kaskus Marketplace

[Cerita] Anas: Hanya Fir’aun Tak Pernah Sakit

Cerita has posted a new item, 'Anas: Hanya Fir'aun Tak Pernah Sakit'

Entah ada kaitannya atau tidak dengan isu sprindik KPK dan mundurnya Ibas dari
DPR, Kamis petang 14/2/2013, bertempat di Kantor DPP Partai Demokrat (PD), Anas
Urbaningrum beserta jajaran Pengurus Harian DPP PD (a.l. Saan Mustofa dan Deny
Kailimang) menandatangani Pakta Integritas.
Penandatanganan Pakta Integritas yang ditayangkan langsung oleh Metro TV dan TV
One itu diawali dengan pernyataan pers Anas Urbaningrum. Menariknya, dalam
jumpa per situ Anas dengan gaya tenangnya sempat berseloroh soal dirinya dan
Pakta Integritas PD.
Soal berita dirinya sakit. Anas mengaku memang sakit, tetapi dia tidak bisa
mendeskripsikan sakitnya itu karena dia bukan dokter. Pokoknya , gak enaklah
Meski membenarkan dirinya sakit tetapi Anas sempat berseloroh, bahwa dirinya
manusia biasa, karena itu wajar bila sakit. Orang yang gak pernah sakit itu
Fir,aun katanya. Karena gak pernah sakit, maka dia (Firaun) menganggap dirinya
Tuhan tambah Anas.
Terkait Pakta Integritas Anas sangat menghargainya dan menyatakan bahwa Pakta
Integritas itu sesuatu yang penting bagi strategi penguatan partai. Sebelum
meneken Pakta Integritas di atas kertas berlogo Partai Demokrat, Anas juga
sempat berseloroh dengan menyebut Pakta Integritas yang dia tandatangani itu
sebagai Pakta Integritas Kasih Sayang.
Meski dikemas dalam kalimat bernada canda tetapi seloroh Ana situ sangat kentara
menyiratkan pandangan dan pendiriannya soal tindakan Ketua Majelis Tinggi
mengambil alih kepemimpinan PD dari tangannya.
Pertama, dia membenarkan dirinya sakit tetapi menyatakan bahwa dia tidak bisa
mendeskripsikan apa sakitnya. Pernyataan ini mudah dibaca bahwa Anas
sesungguhnya memang tidak sakit. Sakit hanyalah alasan politis (yang diadakan)
atas penolakannya hadir di Puri Cikeas memenuhi undangan Ketua Majelis Tinggi
untuk menandatangani Pakta Integritas.
Kedua, ungkapan orang yang tidak pernah sakit itu adalah Firaun, karena gak
pernah sakit dia merasa dirinya Tuhan merupakan sinyal pesan moral Anas kepada
kolega dan lawan politiknya bahwa yang namanya manusia itu memiliki kelemahan.
Jika ungkapan ini merupakan analogi, maka yang ingin dikatakan Anas adalah bahwa
kejayaan janganlah dimaknai sebagai sesuatu yang langgeng. Suatu ketika dia akan
jatuh. Sebab Firaun pun ternyata bisa mati.
Dengan ungkapan itu boleh jadi dia ingin menyinggung soal elektabilitas PD yang
terus Anjlok di bawah kepemimpinan dirinya sebagai suatu keadaan partai yang
sedang sakit. Akan tetapi, sepertinya, dia ingin mengatakan bahwa sakitnya PD
itu bukan semata-mata karena factor dirinya, melainkan karena banyak factor.
Analogi Firaun itu tepat untuk petinggi PD saat ini, khususnya SBY, yang merasa
bahwa PD itu adalah partai besar yang selama ini disukai rakyat dan penyebab
jatuhnya elektabilitasnya adalah karena Anas. Andai Anas mundur, maka mereka
beranggapan bahwa elektabilitas PD akan kembali meninggi, sebab icon PD yaitu
SBY akan bisa dengan mudah mengembalikan elektabilitas itu. Sebab, menurut
hitungan mereka, elektabilitas SBY masih sangat tinggi (>50%).
Boleh jadi, sikap elit di jajaran Dewan Pembina dan Majelis Tinggi PD yang
menjadikan hasil survei yang menempatkan elektabilitas SBY tinggi sebagai ukuran
keyakinan bahwa SBY lah satu-satunya orang yang bisa menyelamatkan PD, oleh Anas
dipandang sebagai sikap jumawa, gede rasa. Sikap jumawa inilah yang analog
dengan sikap Firaun, yang menyebabkan dirinya lupa daratan.
Ketiga, istilah Pakta Integritas Kasih Sayang. Entah disengaja atau tidak, Anas
dan kawan-kawan menandatangani Pakta Integritas pada hari Kamis tanggal 14
Februari 2013, bertepatan dengan Hari Valentine. Karena bertepatan dengan hari
Valentine itu Anas menyebut Pakta Integritas PD yang dia (dan kawan-kawan)
tandatangani itu sebagai Pakta Integritas Kasih Sayang.
Boleh saja orang menyebut seloroh Anas sebagai celetukan dan candaan spontan
tanpa pretensi apa-apa. Tetapi mengingat Anas adalah tipe politisi yang sangat
irit kata-kata, tidak mudah berkomentar, tenang dan berhati-hati jika terpaksa
memberi komentar, maka istilah Pakta Integritas Kasih Sayang itu jelas
mengandung pesan moral.
Pesan moral itu jelas tertuju kepada elit Dewan Pembina dan Majelis Tinggi yang
terkesan grasa-grusu mengambil keputusan. Tindakan memasung kewenangan dirinya
sebgai Ketum PD memang terkesan terlalu emosional, ketimbang rasional.
Bayangkan, hanya karena hasil survey (yang boleh jadi pesanan itu) para elit
itu, terutama sosok SBY, mengambil kebijakan politis penting yang justru
bertentangan dengan konstitusi partai.
Dengan istilah kasih sayang itu, sepertinya Anas cs ingin menyampaikan pesan
kepada SBY bahwa buatlah keputusan yang rasional dan penuh kekeluargaan, jika
ingin menyelamatkan Partai Demokrat, bukan dengan cara-cara intimidatif
menggunakan senjata yang bernama Pakta Integritas.
Wallahualam .

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,


Kerja has posted a new item, 'WAITER, CHEF and DISHWASHER di SUNTER- JAKARTA

1. Waiter/s
2. Barista
3. Dishwasher
4. Cook/helper
untuk bekerja di resto di SUNTER, Jakarta Utara .
syarat dan ketentuan:
1. Pria/ Wanita 18 - 35 Tahun
2. Berpenampilan bersih, rapi, dan menarik
3. Memiliki komunikasi yang baik, dan attr...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[US Jobs Vacancies] Mathematics, Faculty, Math (#9297)/Transitional Math (#9304) CyFair

US Jobs Vacancies has posted a new item, 'Mathematics, Faculty, Math
(#9297)/Transitional Math (#9304) CyFair'

Lone Star College - CyFair

Faculty, Math (#9297) CF

Job Functions:
Develops and teaches courses in credit level mathematics at a variety of times
and locations in response to institutional needs.
Makes continuous efforts to improve the quality of instruction by reviewing and
utilizing innovative methodologies, techniques, and delivery methods.
Develops and use a syllabus for each course or laboratory within college and
departmental guidelines.
Develops and uses a variety of teaching methods and materials that assist
students in meeting course objectives and which are appropriate for students
with differing educational and experiential backgrounds and learning styles.
Evaluate students to measure their progress toward achievement of stated course
objectives and inform them in a timely manner of their progress in the course.
Submit required college reports and forms.
Review, evaluate, and recommend student learning materials.
Maintain professional relationships with students, colleagues and the community.

Provide access to students through posted office hours, electronic communication
and other appropriate methods.
Responsible for professional development and institutional service as determined
in consultation with the Dean.
Responsible for other reasonable, related duties as assigned.

Required Qualifications:
Masters degree in Mathematics or Masters degree with 18 graduate hours in
Mathematics or Mathematical Statistics.
Online certification or a commitment to obtain certification through LSC-Online
(or equivalent) within 6 months of employment.

Starting salary is commensurate with educational qualifications and experience.
This is a full-time 10.5-month contract.

Faculty, Transitional Math (#9304) CF

Job Functions:
Teaches courses in Developmental Math/College Level Math at a variety of times
and locations in response to institutional needs.
Makes continuous efforts to improve the quality of instruction by reviewing and
utilizing innovative methodologies, techniques, and delivery methods.
Develops and use a syllabus for each course or laboratory within college and
departmental guidelines.
Plans, develop and use a variety of teaching methods and materials that assist
students in meeting course objectives and which are appropriate for students
with differing educational and experiential backgrounds and learning styles.
Evaluate students to measure their progress toward achievement of stated course
objectives and inform them in a timely manner of their progress in the course.
Submit required college reports and forms.
Review, evaluate, and recommend student learning materials.
Maintain professional relationships with students, colleagues and the community.

Provide access to students through posted office hours, electronic communication
and other appropriate methods.
Responsible for professional development and institutional service as determined
in consultation with the Dean.
Responsible for other reasonable, related duties as assigned.

Required Qualifications:
A Bachelors degree with a minimum of 12 hours in either mathematics, statistics,
or mathematics education. Bachelors or Masters in applied math.

Online certification or a commitment to obtain certification through LSC-Online
(or equivalent) within 6 months of employment.

Preferred Qualifications:

Masters degree in Mathematics or Masters degree with 18 graduate hours in
Mathematics or Mathematical Statistics.

Demonstrated ability to each all levels of Math with the Community College

How to Apply


To learn of all available opportunities go to: Search
by keyword or click the "Advanced Search" link to search by keyword or Job
Opening ID. Application materials will not be accepted via fax, e-mail, mail or
hand delivery.

Normally there is no contact with applicants unless they are selected for
interview. At the conclusion of each search all applicants will be notified via
e-mail. Some openings are posted year-round and are re-posted periodically;
these applicants will be notified and asked to re-apply in order to remain
active applicants for those positions.

All positions are subject to a criminal background check. EEO Employer

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
US Jobs Vacancies

[Lowongan CPNS] Lowongan Kerja Terbaru RSU Kumala Siwi Kudus

Lowongan CPNS has posted a new item, 'Lowongan Kerja Terbaru RSU Kumala Siwi

Lowongan Kerja RSU Kumala Siwi Kudus memberikan kesempatan kepada tenaga
kerja profesional dan handal untuk dapat bergabung di RSU Kumala Siwi Kudus
dengan kualifikasi Lowongan Kerja RSU Kumala Siwi Kudus sebagai berikut :


* Wanita.
* Usia Max. 25 tahun.
* Pendidikan min. SMA/ SMK.
* Berpengalaman di bidangnya.
* Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik, bertanggung jawab dan jujur.
* Berpenampilan menarik.
* Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer (Word & Excell)


* Wanita.
* Usia Max. 25 tahun.
* Pendidikan min. SMA/ SMK, diutamakan Jurusan Akuntansi.
* Berpengalaman di bidangnya.
* Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik, bertanggung jawab dan jujur.
* Berpenampilan menarik.
* Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer (Word & Excell)

Jika anda memenuhi kualifikasi Lowongan Kerja Terbaru RSU Kumala Siwi Kudus di
atas, segera kirim surat lamaran kerja beserta CV ke alamat :

RSU Kumala Siwi Kudus
Jl. Jepara KM 6 Desa Mijen
Kec. Kaliwungu Kudus
Tel: 0291-4245551

You may view the latest post at

You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are
Best regards,
Lowongan CPNS

[Info Resep] Resep Masakan Paria Isi Oncom Pedas

Info Resep has posted a new item, 'Resep Masakan Paria Isi Oncom Pedas'

Sudah mencoba Resep Oyong Goreng atau Masakan Kangkung Masak Cumi Asin? Nah,
kali ini kami ingin menyajikan Resep Masakan Paria Isi Oncom Pedas yang sudah
kami siapkan list bahan-bahan resepnya untuk anda coba dan praktekkan dirumah.
Saya yakin kel...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Info Resep

[Kaskus Lounge] Awas Jajanan Berbahaya Beredar

Kaskus Lounge has posted a new item, 'Awas Jajanan Berbahaya Beredar'

[ unable to retrieve full-text content]Bagi Anda yang memiliki
anak masih sekolah, sebaiknya waspada terhadap penjualan makanan yang beredar
di... more

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Kaskus Lounge

[Info Mobil] Harga Toyota Agya

Info Mobil has posted a new item, 'Harga Toyota Agya'

Tidak berlebihan kalau ada yang memprediksikan bahwa mobil ini akan sukses di
pasaran seperti yang telah dicapai oleh beberapa mobil produk Toyota yang
lainnya. Dan memang, hal ini bisa dilihat dari begitu besarnya, minat masyarakat
terhadap mobil ini....

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Info Mobil

[Pusat Informasi Beasiswa] Georg Forster Research Award at Humboldt Foundation, Germany

Pusat Informasi Beasiswa has posted a new item, 'Georg Forster Research Award at
Humboldt Foundation, Germany'

The Georg Forster Research Award is granted in recognition of a
researcher's entire achievements to date to academics of all disciplines
whose fundamental discoveries, new theories, or insights have had a
significant impact on their own discipline and beyond and who are
expected to continue developing research-based solutions to the specific
challenges facing transition and developing countries.

Nominees must be nationals of a developing or transition country (excluding
People's Republic of China and India; cf. detailed list of countries).
Furthermore, at the time of nomination, they must have had their main
residence and place of work in one of these countries for at least five

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation particularly encourages the nomination of
qualified female researchers.

The award amount totals EUR 60,000. In Germany, research awards are generally
exempt from income tax under German tax law.

In addition, award winners are invited to conduct a research project
of their own choosing in Germany in close collaboration with a
specialist colleague. The project duration of about six to twelve months
may be divided into segments. In addition, further expenditures (such
as travel or language courses) are covered in the context of the
invitation to stay in Germany for research purposes. To support the
collaboration, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation may grant
additional funding of up to EUR 25,000, particularly for participating
in scientific conferences, additional material resources, e.g.,
specialist literature and scientific equipment for the nominees own
institute, as well as for involving junior researchers.

An established academic employed by a university or research
institution in Germany must take the initiative to nominate a candidate
for the Georg Forster Research Award. Nominations may also be initiated
by award winners of the Humboldt Foundation working abroad, provided
that the nomination is made jointly with a colleague working in Germany.
Self-nomination is not possible.

In 2013, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is granting up to four Georg
Forster Research Awards.


The nominee must be recognised internationally as an outstandingly qualified
academic (e.g. awards, positive responses to publications, etc.).

The nominee's future perspectives must indicate that
she/he will continue to be an active, academically influential
researcher in the coming years with relevance to the development of the
nominee's own county.

The nominee must be exceptionally qualified to continue
developing research-based solutions to the specific challenges facing
transition and developing countries.

The nominee must be a national of a developing or
transition country (excluding People's Republic of China and India; cf.
detailed list of countries).
At the time of nomination, he or she must have had his or her main
residence and place of work in one of these countries for at least five

Detailed expert opinion (laudation) by an
academic working at a research institution in Germany who would like to
invite the nominee to spend time researching in Germany.

Two expert reviews by important international academics and one from a German
The Humboldt Foundation assumes that candidates will abide by the Rules of Good
Scientific Practice during the application and sponsorship periods.

Nominations should be sent to the following address by 15 May 2013:

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Selection Department,
Jean-Paul-Str. 12, 53173 Bonn, Germany

The selection meeting is scheduled for autumn.

It is the nominator's responsibility to ensure that he or she has
submitted all the necessary documents. Nominations not submitted as a
single entity will take longer to process. The documents required in
addition to the nomination documents, i.e. the confidential statements
by the expert reviewers, can be submitted to the Alexander von Humboldt
Foundation directly, at the same time as the nomination. Subsequently,
independent peer reviewers assess the nominations.

An independent Selection Committee composed of academics from all
disciplines makes the final decision on the nominations received. The
Selection Committee makes its decision solely on the basis of the
nominees' academic qualifications and the relevance of their research to
the development of their own countries.

Nominees will be notified about the Selection Committee's decision immediately
after the meeting.

For further information, please visit the official website at

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Pusat Informasi Beasiswa

[Lagu.CO] Psy - Oppa Gangnam Style

Lagu.CO has posted a new item, 'Psy - Oppa Gangnam Style'

Oppa Gangnam StyleGangnam StyleNajeneun ttasaroun inganjeogin yeojaKeopi
hanjanui yeoyureul aneun pumgyeok inneun yeojaBami omyeon simjangi
tteugeowojineun yeojaGeureon banjeon inneun yeojaNaneun sanaiNajeneun neomankeum
ttasaroun geureon sanaiKeopi sikgido jeone wonsyat ttaerineun sanaiBami omyeon
simjangi teojyeobeorineun sanaiGeureon sanaiAreumdawo sarangseureowoGeurae neo
hey geurae baro neo heyAreumdawo sarangseureowoGeurae neo hey geurae baro neo
heyJigeumbuteo gal dekkaji gabolkkaOppa Gangnam StyleGangnam StyleOp, op, op,
opOppa Gangnam StyleGangnam StyleOp, op, op, opOppa Gangnam StyleEh, sexy
ladyOp, op, op, opOppa Gangnam StyleEh, sexy ladyOp, op, op, opEh-eh-eh,
eh-eh-ehJeongsukhae boijiman nol ttaen noneun yeojaIttaeda sipeumyeon
mukkeotdeon meori puneun yeojaGaryeotjiman wenmanhan nochulboda yahan
yeojaGeureon gamgakjeogin yeojaNaneun sanaiJeomjanha boijiman nol ttaen noneun
sanaiTtaega doemyeon wanjeon michyeobeorineun sanaiGeunyukboda sasangi
ultungbultunghan sanaiGeureon sanaiAreumdawo sarangseureowoGeurae neo, hey,
geurae baro neo, heyAreumdawo sarangseureowoGeurae neo, hey, geurae baro neo,
heyJigeumbuteo gal dekkaji gabolkkaOppa Gangnam StyleGangnam StyleOp, op, op,
opOppa Gangnam StyleGangnam StyleOp, op, op, opOppa Gangnam StyleEh, sexy
ladyOp, op, op, opOppa Gangnam StyleEh, sexy ladyOp, op, op, opEh-eh-eh,
eh-eh-ehTtwineun nom geu wie naneun nomBaby, babyNaneun mwol jom aneun
nomTtwineun nom geu wie naneun nomBaby, babyNaneun mwol jom aneun nomYou know
what I'm sayingOppa Gangnam StyleEh-eh-eh, eh-eh-ehEh, sexy ladyOp, op, op,
opOppa Gangnam StyleEh, sexy ladyOp, op, op, opEh-eh-eh, eh-eh-ehOppa Gangnam
Style[English Translation:]Oppa is Gangnam styleGangnam styleA girl who is warm
and humanle during the dayA classy girl who know how to enjoy the freedom of a
cup of coffeeA girl whose heart gets hotter when night comesA girl with that
kind of twistIm a guyA guy who is as warm as you during the dayA guy who
one-shots his coffee before it even cools downA guy whose heart bursts when
night comesThat kind of guyBeautiful, loveableYes you, hey, yes you,
heyBeautiful, loveableYes you, hey, yes you, heyNow lets go until the endOppa is
Gangnam style, Gangnam styleOppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam styleOppa is Gangnam
styleEh- Sexy Lady, Oppa is Gangnam styleEh- Sexy Lady oh oh oh ohA girl who
looks quiet but plays when she playsA girl who puts her hair down when the right
time comesA girl who covers herself but is more sexy than a girl who bares it
allA sensable girl like thatIm a guyA guy who seems calm but plays when he
playsA guy who goes completely crazy when the right time comesA guy who has
bulging ideas rather than musclesThat kind of guyBeautiful, loveableYes you,
hey, yes you, heyBeautiful, loveableYes you, hey, yes you, heyNow lets go until
the endOppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam styleOppa is Gangnam style, Gangnam
styleOppa is Gangnam styleEh- Sexy Lady, Oppa is Gangnam styleEh- Sexy Lady oh
oh oh ohOn top of the running man is the flying man, baby babyIm a man who knows
a thing or twoOn top of the running man is the flying man, baby babyIm a man who
knows a thing or twoYou know what Im sayingOppa is Gangnam styleEh- Sexy Lady,
Oppa is Gangnam styleEh- Sexy Lady oh oh oh oh

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[Info Rumah] Apa itu kondotel ?

Info Rumah has posted a new item, 'Apa itu kondotel ?'

Apa itu condotel ?
Istilah condotel berasal dari kata kondominium hotel. Merupakan bangunan yang
terdiri dari unit unit kamar layaknya apartemen. tiap unit memiliki fasilitas
lengkap layaknya sebuah hotel. Plus fasilitas seperti kolam renang, spa, ...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Info Rumah

[Lowongan Kerja Terbaru] Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Sebagai Office Boy Februari 2013

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru has posted a new item, 'Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Sebagai
Office Boy Februari 2013'

Lowongan Kerja Jakarta - Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang penjualan dan
distribusi spare part kendaraan bus dan truck yang sedang berkembang pesat dan
akan melakukan perluasan wilayah usaha membutuhkan beberapa kandidat untuk
mengisi posisi :Office BoyJakarta Raya

Usia Max 30 tahun
Pengalaman min. 1 tahun
Pendidikan SLTA/Sederajat
Rajin, Jujur dan bertanggung jawab

Kirimkan Surat Lamaran ke alamat :Manager HRD
Jl. Danau Sunter Selatan Blok. O5 / 6 Sunter Jakarta Utara 14350

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Best regards,
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru

[Jual Beli Online -] jual vario cw 2010 merah tgn pertama

Jual Beli Online has posted a new item, 'jual vario cw 2010 merah tgn pertama'

1. atas nama sendiri(pemakaian dr baru)
2. ktp bs pinjam
3. terawat
4. mulus, +body ud dikasih plastik skotlite transparant,full body
5. ban dua2 nya br ganti 2 bulan lalu tubless
6. minumnya sell super
7. pajak msh idup ampe april 2013 ini
8.mesin ok
9.plat jakarta utara
10.surat2 lengkap(bpkb ,faktur,stnk)
11.kunci ada 2
harga: 9,5jt nego
call/sms: 02132078402/088809731736

cod : drmh daerah jakut(jl.swasembada brt 1/33 keb.bawang tg.priok)

Similar Threads:

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You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Jual Beli Online

[Cantik] Tips Pesan Tiket Pesawat Murah

Cantik has posted a new item, 'Tips Pesan Tiket Pesawat Murah'

Bagi Anda yang sering bepergian terutama keluar kota atau keluar negeri dimana
sering menggunakan alat transportasi pesawat terbang pasti suka mencari-cari
promo tiket pesawat agar mendapatkan harga tiket pesawat yang lebih murah.
Reservasi Booking&nbs...

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Best regards,

[Pakaian.ME] Tabita Skin Care

Pakaian.ME has posted a new item, 'Tabita Skin Care'

Assalam...lama berehat..Kali nie nk perkenalkan skincare yang meletop dikalangan
org kebanyakan & khabarnuya digunakan oleh artis2 seperti Fasha Sandha,Ayu
Raudhah & Siti Nur Haliza,Apalagi kalau bukan Tabita Skin CareTABITA Skin

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

[MP3 Lyrics] Justin Bieber - Nothing Like Us lyrics

MP3 Lyrics has posted a new item, 'Justin Bieber - Nothing Like Us lyrics'

Justin Bieber Nothing Like Us lyrics was added to the site 17 Jan, 2013 and
since that time has 8707
hits and voted 5 times.
Other popular Justin Bieber lyrics are:
That Should Be Me, Baby and As Long As You Love Me.

Lately I've been thinkin'...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
MP3 Lyrics

[Info Lagu-Lagu] Do As Infinity - TIME MACHINE

Info Lagu-Lagu has posted a new item, 'Do As Infinity - TIME MACHINE'

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Info Lagu-Lagu

[Warta News] BAILED-OUT BONUS: Treasury Pick Lew Faces Questions Over $1M Bonus

Warta News has posted a new item, 'BAILED-OUT BONUS: Treasury Pick Lew Faces
Questions Over $1M Bonus'

Treasury secretary nominee Jack Lew was challenged Wednesday over a nearly
$1 million bonus he accepted from Citigroup just as the company was getting
bailed out by the government, at an at-times tense confirmation hearing on the

Lew, wh...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Warta News

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] Axis Human Capital Recruiting in Ghana [2013]

Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'Axis Human
Capital Recruiting in Ghana [2013]'

A world class financial Institution that provides superior returns for
stakeholders is seeking to recruit aPerformance and Talent Manager. He/She will
report to the Director of Human Resources.
The Ideal candidate will act as the Center of Expertise for performance and
talent Management in the Bank by designing and developing frameworks, systems,
processes and tools that will build and sustain a high performance culture in
the Bank and lead the identification and development of talent as well as
succession planning.

Working with HR Business partners, communicates and interprets all performance
and talent management policy to all Business Heads and HR colleagues.
Delivers the talent identification process, Succession plan and individual
development plans.
Provides Business intelligence and employee data to managers and management to
support the process.
Responsible for the implementation of the performance cycle and culture.
Ownership of training and communication strategies to support both performance
management and talent management processes.

Human Resources Management:

Communicate and provide input to the review of the Banks HR policies.
Communicate policy changes as they occur.
Assist in the development of HR plans and budgets and oversee its administration
Manage all change programs and other HR related projects

Recruitment/Selection/ Resourcing:

Manage relevant HR planning tasks within the respective businesses flowing out
of the talent management process e.g. graduate programs
Administers internal manpower movements and separations flowing out of the
talent management process. Maintains the banks staff list and organization
charts on current basis, ensuring that all updates reflect changes.
Oversee and manage the banks succession and retention plans for identified

Performance Management:

Guide Business Heads to deliver a robust performance management process.
Ensure the process is aligned to the business strategy, is robust in terms of
distribution of ratings.
Leads the calibration meetings for the respective businesses.
Escalates any issues arising out the PM process to the Director of HR.

Benefits and Compensation/HR Services:

Interpret and assist in the maintenance of the companys Benefits and
Compensation policies and guidelines for identified talent.
Direct and ensure that employee services are administered promptly and to the
highest level of customer service.
Ensure that record keeping processes and systems (i.e employee data etc.) are in
compliance with Regulatory and other legal requirements

Employee Engagement:

Ensure regular surveys are administered to the identified talent with supporting
action planning to ensure high levels of engagement.

Reporting/ Management:

Provides monthly reports on key HR programs and functions
Reports on HR standards and best practices
Acts as HR quality controller and maintain HR standards in Performance
Management and Talent management.

Relationship Management:

Communicate with other external service providers for services rendered e.g.
vendors, trainers, HR consultants etc. to negotiate rates/prices, agree service
levels, resolve queries etc.
Communicate with staff to give advise and guidance on HR related queries/issues.

Talent Management and Development:

Communicates the agreed talent framework to the relevant businesses.
Leads the identification of talented individuals and inputs into the succession
planning process.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World

[Kaskus.ES] Status Facebook Lucu Dan Gokil Terbaru 2013

Kaskus.ES has posted a new item, 'Status Facebook Lucu Dan Gokil Terbaru 2013'

Status Facebook Lucu Dan Gokil Terbaru 2013 - Kali ini saya akan memberikan
informasi buat anda para fesbuker tentang Status Facebook Lucu Dan Gokil Terbaru
2013,Di artikel sebelumnya saya sudah share mengenai Ramalan Bintang Zodiak
Terbaru Hari ini.
Nah Kalau begitu kita langsung saja santap dengan lahap status facebook paling
lucu yang sudah saya tulis dibawah ini:

Status Facebook Lucu Dan Gokil Terbaru 2013 :

Mulailah dari yg kecil, karena semua yg besar dulunya juga kecil
Jangan pernah membalas budi, karena belum tentu budi yang melakukannya.
Kita seharusnya menyayangi binatang. Mereka rasanya sangat lezat. Mak Nyus Puol.
Orang Bijak taat pajak, orang jahat makan pajak, orang gila engga di ajak.
Ketika org yg pernah mnyakitimu disakiti oleh org lain, jgn menertawakannya.
Tersenyum & berkata, Kasiaan deh lo!
Pacaran kok cuma sabtu-minggu doang. Pacaran apa acara hajatan ?
1X terjatuh, bangkitlah! 2X terjatuh, tegarlah! 3X terjatuh, makanya jalan tuh
liat2, pake mata!
Jika hidup ini mudah, kamu tak akan mikir tiap malam berusaha mencari tahu
mengapa kamu masih jomblo hingga saat ini!
Hidup terlalu singkat jika terus melakukan kesalahan yg sama. Masih banyak
kesalahan lain yg bisa kamu coba. Setiap hari harus beda.
Tak ada pekerjaan yg berat di dunia ini. Pekerjaan Seberat Apapun Akan Terasa
Ringan Apabila Tidak Dikerjakan
Malem minggu itu adalah hari raya para Ababil
Faktanya : 80% remaja yg melakukan Test Contact via Bbm pada malam minggu, bisa
dipastikan dia jomblo
Percuma pacaran kalo malming doang. Itu pacaran atau pasar malem?
Bagi Jomblo : Persamaan malam minggu sama malam jumat adalah sama-sama
Yang terpenting sama siapa nya!! bukan malam apa nya!! Percuma kan malem
mingguan klo cuma sama HP doang.
Gak usah iri gitu bagi yang jomblo karna gak bisa jalan-jalan di malming ini.
Kan masih bisa jalan-jalan di TimeLine
Pacaran apa nonton dangdutan, Kok cuma setiap mlm minggu doang
aduh nenek gw jatoh di skateboard..
Burung blekok ..burung belatiaku ngerokok elu yang mbayari.
punya pacar bikin boros duit, ga punya pacar bikin boros sabun
sedikit sedikit minta kimpoi
kimpoi kok sedikit sedikit?
gmna sih cara bunuh diri ??
Tak ada yg mustahil dalam hidup ini. Selama ada kemauan, kamu akan temukan
jalan. Kalo gak ada jalan ya berarti jalan buntu.
Kata mereka jika jodoh tak akan ke mana. Tapi sangatlah bodoh kalau menunggu
sampai tua, karena brondong ada di mana-mana.
lelaki yang sukses adalah lelaki yang dapat menghasilkan uang lebih banyak
daripada yang istrinya habiskan.
Nah Cukup itu saja dulu artikel saya tentangStatus Facebook Lucu Dan Gokil
Terbaru 2013 dan semoga bisa membantu anda dalam membuat status lucu yang bisa
bikin ngakak teman anda

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[] Baju Anak Keke RJ-58 has posted a new item, 'Baju Anak Keke RJ-58'

Baju muslim anak perempuanKode : RJ-58Ukuran : no 6Warna : PinkJenis kain :
katunHarga : - normal Rp 207.000,00 - setelah diskon Rp 186.300,00

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[Gizmo -] Nokia Purity Pro

Gizmo - has posted a new item, 'Nokia Purity Pro'

The Nokia Purity Pro Bluetooth headphones are one of the few sets of headphones
that take simplicity to heart. Branded by Monster, these headphones work
beautifully wirelessly. These Nokia headphones have near-field communication
technology, so if they are within a few feet of your music player, you can
experience quality audio. The headphones' design features operating keys for
answering and ending calls and controlling your music.
The Purity Pro headphones have a standard frequency response, ranging from 20Hz
to 20kHz. This means these headphones let you experience professional studio
sound. If you listen to a bass-heavy song with the volume turned up high, you
will hear a slight distortion when the bass hits, but this shouldn't be a
problem because the volume has to be higher than is safe for human ears. The
over-ear design and soft cushions help filter out ambient noise, letting you
focus on your tunes while shutting out any distractions.
The way you turn these headphones and their Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) on
is what sets the Purity Pro apart from other headphones. Unfolding the earphones
turns the headphones and ANC on, which helps to conserve the battery life. Many
headphones use ANC even on standby, which can quickly drain the battery life.
The Purity Pro headphones turn this feature and the device off when you fold up
the earphones. The only problem is that if you forget to fold the headphones up,
the device will remain on.
The Purity Pro headphones will function for almost 24 hours on one battery
charge, and that is with continuous listening. If you use the headphones to talk
on the phone, you will get a little less than 10 hours of battery life. You can
continue to listen to music and use the Purity Pros while you charge them. You
will also find buttons on the sides that control the volume, answer and end
calls, and skip songs. These Bluetooth stereo headphones are made of a
polycarbonate plastic, making them long lasting and durable. They also come with
a carrying case.
One problem we did notice is that some devices, phones and MP3 players, have
difficulty pairing with the headphones. During our tests, some devices didn't
pair or took several attempts. We did learn that some devices that wouldn't pair
with these headphones use older Bluetooth technologies, which can be
incompatible. Ask Nokia to make sure your device will work with the Purity Pro
headphones before you purchase them.
You will find that Nokia offers quite a bit of information on its website
regarding the Purity Pro headset. You can search through the FAQs and request
help by email or phone, but since it is a large international company, you can
experience longer-than-average wait times when you call.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[Kaskus Marketplace] [EBOOK] Bisnis, SEO, Mafia Kartu Kredit Tips & Trik Facebook, Twitter.

Kaskus Marketplace has posted a new item, '[EBOOK] Bisnis, SEO, Mafia Kartu
Kredit Tips & Trik Facebook, Twitter.'

Permisi agan dan sista mau bagi-bagi kumpulan ebook yang ada di data saya.
Sementara masih ini koleksinya, tapi akan tetap di edit kok, kalo agan dan sista
minat dengan ebook saya langsung aja lihat daftar isinya dibawah :
Sementara masih ini koleksiny...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Kaskus Marketplace

[Sing!] Solarstone & Clare Stagg - Jewel:

Sing! has posted a new item, 'Solarstone & Clare Stagg - Jewel:'

With the #PureTrance stance powering the engine of his frontline return last
year, Solarstone's 2013 begins in equally floor-minded fashion with the single
release of 'Jewel'. Lifted from the tracklist of his acclaimed 2012
'Pure' album, ...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[Cerita] Kegaduhan di “PD”

Cerita has posted a new item, 'Kegaduhan di "PD"'

Publik sudah mengetahui PD dirundung masalah besar terkait turunnya
elektabilitas menurut hasil survey. Terutama kasus Hambalang yang sampai
sekarang belum berhenti untuk menambah daftar tersangka. Tentu ini sangat
merugikan partai dan hal ini membuat gerah pada para pendiri untuk turun tangan
langsung memperbaiki citranya. Apakah ini akan berhasil? dan apakah memang
tujuan utamanya ingin menggusur AU dari jabatannya?
CItra PD; Akan sangat sulit untuk memperbaiki citranya sampai menjelang pemilu
yang akan datang, bahkan partai ini akan terjerebab terlalu dalam. Mengapa ?
Karena rakyat sudah tidak peduli dengan partai, yang diperlukan rakyat adalah
bagaimana meningkatkan taraf hidup dan bagaimana cari makan. Media sudah tidak
tertarik memberitakan sisi baiknya PD, media mau memuat jika terjadi konflik,
perseteruan dan ini mempunyai nilai jual tinggi. Sisi positif PD tidak ada yang
menarik untuk dijual. Dan berita-berita ini yang ditangkap oleh publik, sehingga
publik sudah jenuh dan cenderung tidak peduli. Rakyat hanya berpikir bagaimana
mempertahankan hidup, tidak ada waktu mikirin partai.
Citra AU; Citranya tetap akan berkibar, AU masih muda dan masa depannya di jagat
politik masih ada. sekalipun nanti dinyatakan sebagai tersangka. Seperti
diketahui AU bukan anak kemaren sore, dia sudah malang melintang di organisasi
dan sudah terbiasa berbenturan dengan konflik dan bisa dengan tenang
mengatasinya. Sehingga dia berani menyatakan Siap digantung di Monas, jika
terlibat korupsi Hambalang. Tentu AU punya kartu mati kepada orang-orang yang
berseberangan dan menyerangnya.
AU sangat kuat diakar rumput, dia punya HMI Connection dan pesantrensedangkan
SBY terlanjur bergaul ditingkat elite saja. SBY menyadari itu semua dan juga
sudah memperhitungkan. SBY memang jago strategi, tetapi Anas juga cerdas dalam
berpolitik. Sinyal-sinyal perlawanan halus disampaikan AU melalui BBM sebagai
ekspresi bahwa dia belum habis dan mencoba menyatukan pendukungnya dengan
kata-kata simbolik: Politik Para Sengkuni , Ojo Dumeh dan mungkin akan muncul
lagi sinyal-sinyal perlawaan yang lain, puncaknya Tiji Tibeh (mati siji mati
kabel=mati satu mati semua) kalau dalam bahasa jawanya mati sampyuh hancur
leburlah partai ini. Dan AU bisa membuat PD Baru dengan jaringannya.
Memang banyak Sengkuni-Sengkuni di negeri ini, bahkan bukan hanya di PD saja,
dipartai lain juga banyak, bahkan di lingkungan pemerintahan banyak orang yang
berkarakter sengkuni. Mudah-mudahan nanti AU mengenal/memahami tokoh Begawan
Durna setelah selesai membaca bukunya.
Skenario akhir: Intinya adalah pendiri PD ingin menggiring media untuk mengubah
citra PD, dari berita konflik demokrat menjadi berita proses penyelamatan PD;
mulai dari pengambil-alihan wewenang, penanda tanganan pakta integritas dan
rapimnas partai sampai pada penggantian personal dalam kepengurusan, sehingga
endingnya adalah PD sudah bersih dan siap mengikuti pemilu. dan AU tetap jadi
ketua PD (jika tidak tersangka) dan bersalam-salaman dengan pendiri PD damai.
konflik selesai dan citra PD kembali positif.
Nah?? apakah media mau masuk dalam skenario ini? Inilah dagelan politik yang
sedang dipertontonkan kepada publik, kalau tertarik yang silahkan ikuti, kalau
pusing ya pindah channel terserah penonton menyikapinya.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[Kerja] Schneider Electric: 7 Positions

Kerja has posted a new item, 'Schneider Electric: 7 Positions'

Schneider Electric, the world leader in electricity and automation management.
It is great place for top talents, ready to cross all frontiers. Make the
strategic move, join our 112.000 employees and catch the chance to follow your
best career path in 106 countries!
Customer Management - Marcomm Specialist - Jakarta


Receives work assignments from marketing communications manager based on current
needs, experience of the specialist and specialist's particular strengths in
advertising or communications.
Meets with appropriate channel manager to discuss communication needs on each
Reviews sales & marketing materials in the assigned project, previous materials
used in the assignment area, and gathers materials of competitive companies in
the field.
Researches, writes, develop sketches of supporting graphics, and consults with
printing firm representatives on the needs of the particular project. Presents
recommendations to marketing manager or committee.
May develop and coordinate multimedia packagesletters, brochures, video,
point-of-purchase displaysfor particular assignments.
Develops direct mail programs and monitors roll-out of the campaign and checks
for success level at conclusion.
Develops draft advertising text and layouts as part of campaign materials and
presents to manager for review and approval.


A bachelor's degree in journalism, advertising, or communications. Graduate work
in journalism preferred.
At least five years of solid writing and editing experience, preferably with
industrial products.
Superior presentation and analytical skills, plus demonstrated skills to handle
a variety of assignments simultaneously.

Quality Control Engineer - Pulogadung

Bachelor Degree or Diploma in Electrical
3 to 5 years of relevant experiences, preferably in an Electrical products
manufacturing environment
Candidates with good knowledge of IEC standards, product designing, project
management, FMEA, QC improvement tools, 6-sigma, statistical analysis will be
Proven ability to multi-task and drive outcomes.
Highly focused to meet customer service and quality standards.
Strong communication skills.
Good written and spoken English.

Project Engineer - Cilandak

A Degree in IT, Electrical / Electronic from a recognized University
Minimum 3 years experience of project management for Uninterruptible power
supplies (UPS)/ electronics peripherals/data center products.
Experienced in IT/Electrical Company
Required skills : Microsoft Project, AutoCAD
Fluent in English
Willing to travel and take up challenge

Accounting Staff - Pulogadung

Male/Female age below 30 years old
Fresh Graduate are welcome
University degree major in Accounting
Minimum 1 years of experience
Fluent in speaking, reading, writing in English
Able to operate Ms. Office
Excellent analytical and Financial Reporting skills
Location Pulogadung

Sales Engineer (SE) - Jakarta

Responsible to maintain & develop present and new customer, to promote and sell
Schneider product & offer, to gain customers requirements and provide technical
solution based on their needs. Candidate must process strong drive to achieve
sales target.


S1 Electrical Engineering from reputable University
Minimum 2-3 years experiences in sales and telecommunication industry
Fast learning, good analytical skill & posses strong drive.
Able to work under pressure, good teamwork.
Knowledge and previous exposure with Schneider products in Medium & Low Voltage
are definite advantages
Able to communicate in English and Computer literate

Site Service Technician - Jakarta

Responsible to support product under warranty period,
Commissioning and site intervention.Project completion and
Support product under warranty period.


Minimum Diploma III Politechnic/ Electrical or S1 Electrical Engineering
Fresh Graduate are welcome
Min English (Pasive)
Computer Knowledge, Wiring Diagram, Electrical Network Process,Aut.Hi Tech,
Technical Knowledge
Generating product knowledge in detail (commissioning, problem solving and
maintenance), Testing procedure, Setting calculation and application on any kind
of relay protection, Able to use tools of site activity
Based in Jakarta
Willing to Travel, Able to work underpressure in remote area

Sales Services Engineer - Jakarta

To promote, sell and develop service offers activity to all market segments
To reach target of order sales
To maintain and improve customer satisfaction through offering services
To fulfill customer installed base (over quota)


S1 Electrical Engineering/ min. D3 Electrical Engineering with experience in
related area
GPA min. 3.25
Exp. min 2 years, but fresh graduates is encouraged to apply.
Good skill in Schneider product knowledge, application system, technical
knowledge, negotiation, and customer relationship
Experience in automation, IT, power system
Good knowledge in competitor products and specific application of industry
Able to communicate in English and Computer literate.

Send your resume to Human Resources Division PT Schneider Indonesia at email
address below. without JPG or GIF files, attachment is not more than 500KB.
Please put the job code as email subject.

This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript
enabled to view it.

Berhubung ada gangguan di Facebook Page, untuk tetap berlangganan update info
lowongan dari silahkan follow Twitter kami di @twitlowongan atau
berlangganan melalui email di:

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[US Jobs Vacancies] Job Vacancies UN Children’s Fund, January 2013

US Jobs Vacancies has posted a new item, 'Job Vacancies UN Children's Fund,
January 2013'

Job Vacancies UN Childrens Fund Position: Data Synthesis and Report Writing
for HPQ ConsultancyLocation: United States of America ( The ), Home based with
travel New YorkClosing Date: Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Terms of Reference Data Synthesis and Report Writing for Health for the Poorest
Quintile Project
*. Background The Health for the Poorest Quintile (HPQ) project, funded by the
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), is a collaboration of in
country UNICEF offices in Sierra Leone, Uganda and Indonesia, UNICEF
headquarters in New York and non-governmental organizations identified within
each country along with the country governments. The project works primarily
through NGOs in districts with the highest U5MR and poverty level (i.e., the
worst-off fifth of districts) providing high-impact treatment interventions
using community health workers (CHWs). The priority interventions for this
project are based on those diseases which cause the greatest number of deaths in
children under 5 years of age and include antibiotics for pneumonia, zinc and
oral rehydration solution (ORS) for diarrhea, and treatment of malaria with
anti-malarial drugs. However, Indonesia, due to predominant neonatal mortality,
has included some neonatal and maternal interventions.
Each country examined key health indicators as well as poverty index and
childhood mortality rates and selected intervention districts. Each country
selected CSOs and training of CHWs and procurement of supplies is either
completed or in process. Each country has a similar monitoring and evaluation
framework that includes comparison districts and collects baseline and endpoint
data using household cluster surveys and qualitative surveys as well as
collecting process and utilization indicators quarterly (Annex 1).
UNICEF New York is managing the project providing technical support to the three
countries on monitoring and evaluation, writing summary annual reports based on
the data provided by the three country programs and writing a final evaluation
report. To date three annual reports have been submitted to CIDA and one
preliminary report based on endline survey data in Uganda and Sierra Leone. In
2013 there are three reports due to CIDA:.
March 31, 2013 Full evaluation report for Sierra Leone, completion of analysis
of intervention area endline survey in Uganda, annual report for Indonesia,
Sierra Leone and Uganda.
June 15, 2013 Preliminary results of baseline survey Indonesia.
June 30, 2013 Final evaluation report of all three countries.
*. Objectives.
The objectives of this consultancy are to: 1) Support UNICEF HQ to synthesize
the country data and write the reports due March 31, 2013. 2) Support UNICEF HQ
to write the June 15, 2013 report by reviewing the endline survey report from
Indonesia and editing and making other modifications as needed. 3) Support
UNICEF HQ to write the June 30, 2013 final evaluation report by synthesizing the
country data and writing the report.
*. Duty Station.
The consultant could be based anywhere. The consultant will be expected to have
frequent communication with UNICEF HQ and country programs as needed to collect
necessary reports and clarify and issues. The consultant will be expected to
travel to UNICEF HQ twice should they be based outside New York.
*. Methodology.
Collate and review the monitoring and evaluation plan, previous country specific
and summary annual reports, baseline survey reports, grant specifications,
previous country reporting templates, peer reviewed journal manuscripts that
have been drafted. Discuss with UNICEF HQ focal point to understand: a. What is
the evaluation framework b. What has already been analyzed and reported c. What
data analysis is still needed d. What data is missing and when these data are
expected e. What organization or individual in each country is responsible for
the monitoring and evaluation.
Develop a template for the each report with the focal point at UNICEF HQ.
Develop a template for each country specific report with the focal point at
Conference call with UNICEF HQ and country programs to be clear on reporting
timelines, what information is expected by when and how questions will be
addressed and how preliminary reports will be reviewed.
Run the Lives Saved Tool program for each project based on the baseline and
endline surveys that have been conducted to determine the number of lives saved
by treatments with pneumonia, malaria and diarrhea in the intervention and
comparison areas.
Collect all endline survey reports and country reports based on templates.
Write draft reports and send to UNICEF HQ and countries for review.
Make revisions to reports based on feedback and finalize reports.
*. Activities and Outputs Outputs/deliverables Estimated Duration (person days)
Deadline Template for country reporting for March 31, 2013 report 4 February 22,
2013 Template for HQ report for March 31, 2013 report 4 February 22, 2013 March
31, 2013 report 12 March 27, 2013 Modification to March 31, 2013 report as
requested 1 April 1, 2013 Template for country reporting for June 31, 2013
report 4 May 1, 2013 Template for HQ report for June 31, 2103 report 4 May 10,
2013 Review and editing of June 15, 2013 endline survey Indonesia 2 June 12,
2013 June 30, 2013 report 12 June 27, 2013 Modifications to June 30, 2013 as
requested 1 June 30, 2013 TOTAL person days & amount payable 44.
* Equivalent to 2.2 working-months distributed along 5 calendar-months, includes
travel below.
*. Travel.
Date Destination Purpose Length (days) To be determined UNICEF NY Finalize March
31, 2013 final report 2-4 days To be determined UNICEF NY Finalize June 30, 2013
report 2-4 days.
*. Duration:
The consultancy will take place between February 15, 2013 and June 30, 2013.
*. Key skills and experience required: The consultant should have the following
skills and qualifications:
Advanced degree (Masters level) in a relevant field (epidemiology, public
health, statistics, demography).
Minimum 5 years experience related to epidemiology and public health.
Prior experience or familiarity with Lives Saved Tool.
Prior experience writing quantitative reports based on survey data for UNICEF.
Excellent communication and writing skills.
consultant contract serve in a personal capacity and not as representatives of a
Government or of any other authority external to the United Nations. They are
neither staff members under the Staff Regulations of the United Nations and
UNICEF policies and procedures nor officials for the purpose of the Convention
of 13 February 1946 on the privileges and immunities of the United Nations.
Consultants may, however, be given the status of experts on mission in the sense
of Section 22 of Article VI of the Convention. If they are required to travel on
behalf of the United Nations, they may be given a United Nations certification
in accordance with Section 26 of Article VII of the Convention.
OBLIGATIONS Consultants shall have the duty to respect the impartiality and
independence of the United Nations and shall neither seek nor accept
instructions regarding the services to be performed for UNICEF from any
Government or from any authority external to the United Nations. During their
period of service for UNICEF, consultants shall refrain from any conduct that
would adversely reflect on the United Nations or UNICEF and shall not engage in
any activity that is incompatible with the discharge of their duties with the
Organization. Consultants are required to exercise the utmost discretion in all
matters of official business of the Organization. In particular, but without
limiting the foregoing, consultants are expected to conduct themselves in a
manner consistent with the Standards of Conduct in the International Civil
Service. Consultants are to comply with the UNICEF Standards of Electronic
Conduct and the requirements set forth in the Secretary Generals Bulletin on
Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, both
of which are incorporated by reference into the contract between the consultants
and UNICEF. Unless otherwise authorized by the appropriate official in the
office concerned, consultants shall not communicate at any time to the media or
to any institution, person, Government or other authority external to UNICEF any
information that has not been made public and which has become known to them by
reason of their association with the United Nations. The consultant may not use
such information without the written authorization of UNICEF. Nor shall the
consultant use such information for private advantage. These obligations do not
lapse upon cessation of service with UNICEF.
TITLE RIGHTS UNICEF shall be entitled to all property rights, including but not
limited to patents, copyrights and trademarks, with regard to material which
bears a direct relation to, or is made in consequence of, the services provided
to the Organization by the consultant. At the request of UNICEF, the consultant
shall assist in securing such property rights and transferring them to the
Organization in compliance with the requirements of the applicable law.
TRAVEL If consultants are required by UNICEF to travel beyond commuting distance
from their usual place of residence, such travel at the expense of UNICEF shall
be governed by conditions equivalent to the relevant provisions of the 100
series of the United Nations Staff Rules (Chapter VII) and relevant UNICEF
policies and procedures. Travel by air by the most direct and economical route
is the normal mode for travel at the expense of UNICEF. Such travel will be by
business class if the journey is nine hours or longer, and by economy class if
the journey is less than nine hours, and first class by rail.
MEDICAL CLEARANCE Consultants expected to work in any office of the Organization
shall be required to submit a statement of good health prior to commencement of
work and to take full responsibility for the accuracy of that statement,
including confirmation that they have been fully informed regarding inoculations
required for the country or countries to which travel is authorized.
INSURANCE Consultants are fully responsible for arranging, at their own expense,
such life, health and other forms of insurance covering the period of their
services on behalf of UNICEF as they consider appropriate. Consultants are not
eligible to participate in the life or health insurance schemes available to
United Nations staff members. The responsibility of the United Nations and
UNICEF is limited solely to the payment of compensation under the conditions
described in paragraph 7 below.
SERVICE INCURRED DEATH, INJURY OR ILLNESS Consultants who are authorized to
travel at UNICEFs expense or who are required under the contract to perform
their services in a United Nations or UNICEF office, or their dependants as
appropriate, shall be entitled in the event of death, injury or illness
attributable to the performance of services on behalf of UNICEF while in travel
status or while working in an office of the Organization on official UNICEF
business to compensation equivalent to the compensation which, under Appendix D
to the United Nations Staff Rules (ST/SGB/Staff Rules/Appendix D/Rev.1 and
Amend.1), would be payable to a staff member at step V of the First Officer
(P-4) level of the Professional category.
ARBITRATION Any dispute arising out of or, in connexion with, this contract
shall, if attempts at settlement by negotiation have failed, be submitted to
arbitration in New York by a single arbitrator agreed to by both parties. Should
the parties be unable to agree on a single arbitrator within thirty days of the
request for arbitration, then each party shall proceed to appoint one arbitrator
and the two arbitrators thus appointed shall agree on a third. Failing such
agreement, either party may request the appointment of the third arbitrator by
the President of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal. The decision
rendered in the arbitration shall constitute final adjudication of the dispute.
TERMINATION OF CONTRACT This contract may be terminated by either party before
the expiry date of the contract by giving notice in writing to the other party.
The period of notice shall be five days in the case of contracts for a total
period of less than two months and fourteen days in the case of contracts for a
longer period; provided however that in the event of termination on the grounds
of misconduct by the consultant, UNICEF shall be entitled to terminate the
contract without notice.
In the event of the contract being terminated prior to its due expiry date in
this way, the consultant shall be compensated on a pro rata basis for no more
than the actual amount of work performed to the satisfaction of UNICEF.
Additional costs incurred by the United Nations resulting from the termination
of the contract by the consultant may be withheld from any amount otherwise due
to the consultant from UNICEF.
TAXATION The United Nations and UNICEF undertake no liability for taxes, duty or
other contribution payable by the consultant on payments made under this
contract. No statement of earnings will be issued by the United Nations or
UNICEF to the consultant.
How to apply:
Qualified candidates are requested to submit a cover letter with subject line:
Data Synthesis and Report Writing for HPQ Consultancy, CV and P 11 form (which
can be downloaded from our employment website at (1). doc to by January 30, 2013. Please indicate your ability,
availability and daily rate to undertake the terms of reference above.
Applications submitted without a daily rate will not be considered.
UNICEF 633 3rd Avenue New York, NY (212) 497-0193

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Best regards,
US Jobs Vacancies

[Info Resep] Resep Cara Membuat Tahu Isi Daging

Info Resep has posted a new item, 'Resep Cara Membuat Tahu Isi Daging'

Resep Cara Membuat Tahu Isi Daging -Resep Cara Membuat Tahu Isi Daging Berbicara
Mengenai Makanan yang satu ini tentu anda semua sudah tidak asing lagi dengan
yang namanya tahu isi, Yah Bisa di katakan Hapir di seluruh daerah di Indonesia
Pasti d...

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Info Resep

[Lowongan CPNS] Mekanisme pengumuman honorer K2

Lowongan CPNS has posted a new item, 'Mekanisme pengumuman honorer K2'

Sahabat pembaca setia info penerimaan cpns tahun 2013 yang berbahagia, tahukah
anda bahwa sampai saat ini BKN belum mengumumkan atau melakukan publikasi tenaga
honorer kategori 2. Hal ini karenapetunjuk pelaksaan dan petunjuk teknis

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Best regards,
Lowongan CPNS

[Kaskus Lounge] 8 Makhluk Mitologi Raksasa

Kaskus Lounge has posted a new item, '8 Makhluk Mitologi Raksasa'

Makhluk mitologi adalah makhluk-makhluk yang dianggap ada keberadaannya oleh
orang-orang dahulu kala (mitos). Biasanya cerita ini didapatkan secara
turun-temurun ke anak cucu mereka hingga sekarang. Bahkan beberapa ilmuwan
sedang mencoba mengungkap keb...

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Best regards,
Kaskus Lounge

[Cerita] Dua Wajah Ibu

Cerita has posted a new item, 'Dua Wajah Ibu'

Perempuan tua itu mendongakkan wajah begitu mendengar desingan tajam di atas
ubun-ubunnya. Di langit petang yang temaram, ia melihat lampu kuning, hijau, dan
merah mengerjap-ngerjap pada ujung-ujung sayap pesawat terbang.
Deru burung besi itu kian nyaring begitu melewati tempatnya berjongkok. Ia
menghentikan gerakan tangannya. Menggiring burung itu lenyap dari mata lamurnya.
Lalu, tangannya kembali menggumuli cucian pakaian yang tak kunjung habis itu.
Beberapa detik sekali, tangan keriputnya berhenti, lalu ia menampari pipi dan
kaki. Nyamuk di belantara beton ternyata lebih ganas ketimbang nyamuk-nyamuk
rimba yang saban pagi menyetubuhi kulitnya saat menyadap karet nun jauh di
pedalaman Sumatera-Selatan sana: Tanah Abang.
Ia menarik napas, melegakan dada ringkihnya yang terasa kian menyempit. Kicauan
televisi tetangga menenggelamkan helaan napasnya. Suara musik, iklan, dan segala
hal. Perempuan itu kembali menghela napas. Lalu, bangkit dari jongkoknya,
menekan tuas sumur pompa. Irama air mengalir dalam ritme yang kacau. Kadang
besar, kadang kecil, seiring tenaganya yang timbul-tenggelam. Air keruh memenuhi
bak plastik, menindih-nindih pakaian yang bergelut busa deterjen. Bau karet
tercium menyengat begitu air itu jatuh seperti terjun.
Ia adalah Mak Inang. Belum genap satu purnama perempuan tua itu terdampar di
rimba Jakarta, di antara semak-belukar rumah kontrakan yang berdesak-desakan
macam jamur kuping yang mengembang bila musim hujan di kebun karetnya. Hidungnya
pun belum akrab dengan bau bacin selokan berair hitam kental yang mengalir di
belakang kontrakan berdinding triplek anak lanangnya. Bahkan, Mak Inang masih
sering terkaget-kaget bila tikus-tikus got Jakarta yang bertubuh hitam-besar
lagi gemuk melebihi kucing betinanya di kampung, tiba-tiba berlarian di depan
Sesungguhnya, ia pun masih tak percaya bila terjaga dari lelapnya yang tak
pernah pulas, kalau akhirnya ia menjejakkan kaki di ibu kota Jakarta yang kerap
diceritakan orang-orang di kampungnya. Suatu tempat yang sangat asing, aneh, dan
begitu menakjubkan dalam cerita Mak Rifah, Mak Sangkut, dan beberapa perempuan
kampung karibnya, lepas perempuan-perempuan itu mengunjungi anak bujang atau pun
gadis mereka. Sesuatu yang terdengar seperti surganya dunia. Serba mewah, serba
manis, serba tak bisa ia bayangkan.
Kesinilah, Mak. Tengoklah anak lanangku, cucu bujang Emak. Parasnya rupawan
mirip almarhum Ebak, itulah suara Jamal kepadanya beberapa pekan silam. Suara
anak lanangnya yang kemerosok seperti radio tua, ia pun melipat kening saat
mengetahui suara itu berasal dari benda aneh di genggamannya.
Dengan siapa Mak ke situ? lontarnya. Ada keinginan yang menyeruak seketika di
dada Mak Inang. Keinginan yang sejatinya sudah lama terpendam. Telah lama ia
ingin melihat Jakarta. Ibu kota yang telah dikunjungi karib-karibnya. Tapi, ia
selalu tak punya alasan ke sana, walau anak lanangnya, yang cuma satu-satunya ia
miliki selain dua gadisnya yang telah diboyong suami mereka di kampung sebelah,
merantau ke kota itu. Belum pernah Jamal menawarinya ke sana. Tak heran, ketika
petang itu Jamal memintanya datang, ia lekas-lekas menanggapinya.
Tanyai Kurti, Mak. Kapan ia balik? Masalah ongkos, Mak pakai duit Emak dululah.
Nanti, bila aku sudah gajian, Emak kuongkosi pulang dan kukembalikan ongkos Emak
ke sini, itulah janji anak lanangnya sebelum mengakhiri pembicaraan. Suara
kemerosok seperti radio tua itu terputus.
Mak Inang kembali menghela napas saat ingat percakapan lewat hape dengan anak
lanangnya itu. Beberapa pekan sebelum ia merasa telah tersesat di rimba Jakarta,
di semak-belukar kontrakan yang bergot bau menyengat. Ia melepas tuas pompa, air
berhenti mengalir. Tangannya menjangkau cucian, membilasnya.
Kota yang panas. Itulah kesan pertama Mak Inang saat mata lamurnya menggerayangi
terminal bus Kampung Rambutan. Sedetik kemudian, ia menambahkan kesan pertamanya
itu: Kota bacin dan berbau pesing. Hidung tuanya demikian menderita ketika
membaui bau tak sedap itu. Hatinya bertanya-tanya heran melihat Kurti demikian
menikmati bau itu. Hidung pesek gadis berkulit sawo matang itu tetap saja
mengembang-embang, seolah-olah bau yang membuat perut Mak Inang mual itu tercium
Belum jua hilang rasa penat dan pusing di kepala Mak Inang, apalagi rasa pedas
di bokongnya, karena duduk sehari-semalam di bus reot yang berjalan macam keong,
beberapa orang telah berebut mengerubungi dirinya dan Kurti, macam lalat,
berdengung-dengung. Mak Inang memijit keningnya. Cupingnya pun ikut pening
dengan orang-orang yang berbicara tak jelas pada Kurti, gadis itu diam tak
menggubris, hanya menyeret Mak Inang pergi.
Mak Inang kembali memeras beberapa popok yang ia cuci, sekaligus. Telapak kaki
kanannya yang kapalan cepat-cepat menampari betis kirinya begitu beberapa nyamuk
membabi-buta di kulit keringnya. Ia menghempaskan popok yang sudah diperasnya
itu ke dalam ember plastik. Jemari tangannya menggaruk-garuk betis kirinya.
Bentol-bentol sebesar biji petai berderet-deret di kulit keringnya. Ia
menggeram. Hatinya menyumpah-serapah kepada binatang laknat tak tahu diri itu.
Dua-tiga hari pertama, Mak Inang cukup senang berada di rumah berdinding batu
setengah triplek Jamal. Rasa senangnya itu bersumber dari cucu bujangnya yang
masih merah itu. Walau, sesungguhnya Mak Inang terkaget-kaget saat Kurti
mengantarnya ke rumah Jamal. Semua di luar otak tuanya. Dalam benaknya yang
mulai ringkih, Jamal berada di rumah-rumah beton yang diceritakan Mak Sangkut,
bukan di rumah kecil sepengap ini. Keterkejutannya kian bertambah saat perutnya
melilit di subuh buta. Hanya ada satu kakus untuk berderet-deret kontrakan itu.
Itu pun baunya sangat memualkan. Hampir saja Mak Inang tak mampu menahannya.
Mak hendak pulang, Mal. Sudah seminggu, nanti pisang Emak ditebang orang, karet
pun sayang tak disadap, lontar Mak Inang di pagi yang tak bisa ia tahan lagi. Ia
benar-benar tak ingin berlama-lama di ibu kota yang sungguh aneh baginya.
Sesungguhnya, Mak Inang pun aneh dengan orang-orang yang saban hari, saban
minggu, saban bulan, dan saban tahun datang mengadu nasib ke kota ini. Apa yang
mereka cari di rimba bernyamuk ganas, berbau bacin, bertikus besar melebihi
kucing ini? Mak Inang tak bisa menghabiskan pikiran itu pada sebuah jawaban.
Akhir bulanlah, Mak. Aku gajian saban akhir bulan, sekarang tengah bulan. Tak
bisa. Pabrik juga tengah banyak order, belum bisa aku kawani Mak jalan-jalan
mutar Jakarta, ujar Jamal sembari menyeruput kopi hitam dan mengunyah rebusan
singkong. Singkong yang Mak Inang bawa seminggu silam. Mak Inang tak bersuara.
Hatinya terasa terperas dengan rasa yang kian membuatnya tak nyaman.
Kurti libur hari ini, Mak. Katanya tengah tak ada lembur di pabriknya. Nanti
kuminta ia mengawani Mak jalan-jalan. Ke mal, ke rumah anak Wak Sangkut dan Wak
Rifah, terdengar suara Mai, menantunya, dari arah dapur yang pengap.
Mak Inang mengukir senyum semringah mendengar itu. Rasa tak nyaman yang
menggiring keinginannya untuk pulang mendadak menguap. Kembali cerita Mak Rifah
dan Mak Sangkut tentang Jakarta mengelindap. Gegas sekali perempuan tua itu
menyalin baju dan menggedor-gedor pintu kontrakan Kurti. Gadis itu membuka pintu
dengan mata merah-sembab, muka awut-awutan dengan rambut yang kusut-masai. Mak
Inang tak peduli mata mengantuk Kurti, ia menggiring gadis itu untuk lekas mandi
dan menemaninya keliling Jakarta, melihat rupa wajah ibu kota yang selama ini
hanya ada dalam cerita karib sebaya dan pikirannya saja.
Serupa kali pertama Kurti mengantarnya ke muka kontrakan anak lanangnya, seperti
itulah keterkejutan Mak Inang saat menjejakkan kaki di kontrakan anak Mak
Sangkut dan Mak Rifah. Tak jauh berupa, tak ada berbeda. Kontrakan anak
karib-karibnya itu pun sama-sama pengap dan panas. Hal yang membuat Mak Inang
meremangkan kuduknya, gundukan sampah berlalat hijau dengan dengungan keras, bau
menyengat, tertumpuk hanya beberapa puluh meter saja. Kepala Mak Inang
berdenyut-denyut melihat itu. Lebih-lebih saat menghempaskan pantatnya di lantai
semen anaknya Mak Sangkut. Allahurobbi, alangkah banyak cucu Mak Sangkut,
menyempal macam rayap. Berteriak, menangis, merengek minta jajan, dan tingkah
pola yang membuat Mak Inang hendak mati rasa. Hanya setengah jam Mak Inang dan
Kurti di rumah itu, berselang-seling cucunya Mak Sangkut itu menangis.
Kebingungan Mak Inang pada orang-orang yang saban waktu datang ke Jakarta untuk
mengadu nasib kian besar saja. Apa hal yang membuat mereka tergoda ke kota bacin
lagi pesing ini? Segala apa yang ia lihat satu-dua pekan ini, tak ada yang
membuat hatinya mengembang penuh bunga. Lebih elok tinggal di kampung, menggarap
huma, membajak sawah, mengalirkan getah-getah karet dari pokoknya, batin Mak
Tangan Mak Inang kembali menekan-nekan tuas pompa, air keruh dengan bau karet
yang menyengat kembali berjatuhan ke dalam bak plastik. Kadang besar, kadang
kecil, seiring dengan tenaganya yang timbul tenggelam. Lagi, Mak Inang membilas
cucian pakaian cucu, menantu, anak lanang, dan dirinya sendiri. Mendadak Mak
Inang telah merasa dirinya serupa babu. Di petang temaram bernyamuk ganas, ia
masih berkubang dengan cucian. Di kampung, waktu-waktu serupa ini, ia telah
bertelekung dan gegas membawa kakinya ke mushola, mendahului muadzin yang
sebentar lagi mengumandangkan adzan.
Lampu benderang. Serentak. Seperti telah berkongsi sebelumnya. Berkelip-kelip
macam kunang-kunang di malam kelam. Lagi, terdengar suara desingan tajam di atas
ubun-ubun Mak Inang. Ia pun kembali mendongakkan wajah, mata lamurnya melihat
lampu merah, kuning, hijau berkelip-kelip di langit temaram. Nyamuk-nyamuk pun
kian ganas dan membabi-buta menyerang kulit keringnya.
Wajah Mak Inang kian mengelap, hatinya menghitung-hitung angka di almanak dalam
benak. Berapa hari lagi menuju akhir bulan? Rasa-rasanya, telah seabad Mak Inang
melihat muka Jakarta yang di luar dugaannya. Benak Mak Inang pun hendak
bertanya: Mengapa kau tak pulang saja, Mal? Ajak anak-binimu di kampung saja.
Bersama Emak, menyadap karet, dan merawat limas. Tapi, mulut Mak Inang terkunci
Malam di langit ibu kota merangkak bersama muka Mak Inang yang terkesiap karena
seekor tikus got hitam besar mendadak berlari di depannya. Keterkejutan Mak
Inang disudahi suara adzan dari televisi. Perempuan itu kembali menekan tuas
sumur pompa, air mengalir, jatuh ke dalam ember plastik. Ia membasuh muka tuanya
dengan wudhu. Bersamaan dengan itu, mendadak gerimis turun, seolah ibu kota pun
hendak mencuci muka kotornya dengan wudhu bersama Mak Inang. Muka tua yang telah
keriput, mengkerut, dan carut-marut.

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[Info Mobil] Mio GT Baru, Harga, Spec Mesin dan Warna

Info Mobil has posted a new item, 'Mio GT Baru, Harga, Spec Mesin dan Warna'

Article : Mio GT Baru, Harga, Spec Mesin dan Warna

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Info Mobil

[Pusat Informasi Beasiswa] BEASISWA Pengumuman Calon Penerima Beasiswa BBM Periode Januari – Juni 2013

Pusat Informasi Beasiswa has posted a new item, 'BEASISWA Pengumuman Calon
Penerima Beasiswa BBM Periode Januari – Juni 2013'

Pengumuman Calon Penerima Beasiswa BBM Periode Januari Juni 2013
Diberitahukan bahwa calon penerima beasiswa BBM periode Januari Juni 2013 dapat
dilihat di website beasiswaITB dengan alamat:
Kepada seluruh mahasiswa yang namanya tercantum sebagai penerima beasiswa
tersebut, harap segera menyerahkan berkas kelengkapan beasiswa, paling lambat
hari Jumat tanggal 22 Februari 2013 pk. 14.00 WIB ke Loket Beasiswa Lembaga
Kemahasiswaan ITB (Ruang 23 Campus Center Barat Lt. Dasar).
Apabila sampai tanggal tersebut tidak mengumpulkan berkas yang diminta,
pencalonannya akan DIBATALKAN.
Harap diperhatikan.
sumber :
salam beasiswa,
Tim Beasiswa KM-ITB 2012/2013
twitter : @TimBeasiswa

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Best regards,
Pusat Informasi Beasiswa

[Gaun -] My First Impression of ‘Athena: Goddess of War’

Gaun - has posted a new item, 'My First Impression of
'Athena: Goddess of War''

After waiting a long time, SBSs spy-action drama Athena: Goddess of War aired
its pilot episode last night (December 13). As we expected from the IRIS
spin-off, we would be impressed by its action scenes even in the first episode.
The last nights episode reportedly recorded an impressive rating with 22.8%. The
number was a few point lower than the original, IRIS, which hit a 24.5% for its
first episode. However, that number was quite good for enter the drama
Since its the spin-off, people would naturally make a comparison with the
original. And for me IRIS is still better! The first episode of IRIS had
directly hooked me up, espesially with Lee Byung Huns acting skill and charisma,
the show became more perfect!
Somehow I dont feel like that when I watched the first episode of Athena last
night. I just feel it just shows up its star-studded cast and has no focus to
one character like IRIS did with Kim Hyun Joon character. But, Im still curious
and looking forward about the story development of this drama, so Ill keep put
high expectation for it!
Originally posted 2010-12-14 09:47:13.
Tags: athena first episode, athena korean drama, Athena: Goddess of War

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[Lagu.CO] Foto dan Biodata Giorgino Abraham Lengkap

Lagu.CO has posted a new item, 'Foto dan Biodata Giorgino Abraham Lengkap'

Giorgino Abrahambanyak sekali digandrungi kaum hawa muda di Indonesia. Tentu
saja, Giorgio Abraham merupakan artis muda pendatang baru yang memiliki banyak
bakat dan tentunya unyu-unyu kalau kata para wanita. Eh, tau nggak sih kalau

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[Info Rumah] Rumah: Rumah siap huni 3 Lantai di Legoso Ciputat

Info Rumah has posted a new item, 'Rumah: Rumah siap huni 3 Lantai di Legoso

Judul: Rumah siap huni 3 Lantai di Legoso Ciputat

Catagory: Cari Rumah

Keterangan: Harga 1,1000,000,000 : BISA NEGO
Sertifikat Hak Milik
Kamar tidur: 5
Kamar mandi: 3
Kamar pembantu: 1
Garasi: 1
Luas tanah: 108 m2
Luas bangunan: 300
Berapa lantai? 3

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Info Rumah

[Lowongan Kerja Terbaru] Schneider Electric: 7 Positions

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru has posted a new item, 'Schneider Electric: 7 Positions'

Schneider Electric, the world leader in electricity and automation management.
It is great place for top talents, ready to cross all frontiers. Make the
strategic move, join our 112.000 employees and catch the chance to follow your
best career path in 106 countries!
Customer Management - Marcomm Specialist - Jakarta


Receives work assignments from marketing communications manager based on current
needs, experience of the specialist and specialist's particular strengths in
advertising or communications.
Meets with appropriate channel manager to discuss communication needs on each
Reviews sales & marketing materials in the assigned project, previous materials
used in the assignment area, and gathers materials of competitive companies in
the field.
Researches, writes, develop sketches of supporting graphics, and consults with
printing firm representatives on the needs of the particular project. Presents
recommendations to marketing manager or committee.
May develop and coordinate multimedia packagesletters, brochures, video,
point-of-purchase displaysfor particular assignments.
Develops direct mail programs and monitors roll-out of the campaign and checks
for success level at conclusion.
Develops draft advertising text and layouts as part of campaign materials and
presents to manager for review and approval.


A bachelor's degree in journalism, advertising, or communications. Graduate work
in journalism preferred.
At least five years of solid writing and editing experience, preferably with
industrial products.
Superior presentation and analytical skills, plus demonstrated skills to handle
a variety of assignments simultaneously.

Quality Control Engineer - Pulogadung

Bachelor Degree or Diploma in Electrical
3 to 5 years of relevant experiences, preferably in an Electrical products
manufacturing environment
Candidates with good knowledge of IEC standards, product designing, project
management, FMEA, QC improvement tools, 6-sigma, statistical analysis will be
Proven ability to multi-task and drive outcomes.
Highly focused to meet customer service and quality standards.
Strong communication skills.
Good written and spoken English.

Project Engineer - Cilandak

A Degree in IT, Electrical / Electronic from a recognized University
Minimum 3 years experience of project management for Uninterruptible power
supplies (UPS)/ electronics peripherals/data center products.
Experienced in IT/Electrical Company
Required skills : Microsoft Project, AutoCAD
Fluent in English
Willing to travel and take up challenge

Accounting Staff - Pulogadung

Male/Female age below 30 years old
Fresh Graduate are welcome
University degree major in Accounting
Minimum 1 years of experience
Fluent in speaking, reading, writing in English
Able to operate Ms. Office
Excellent analytical and Financial Reporting skills
Location Pulogadung

Sales Engineer (SE) - Jakarta

Responsible to maintain & develop present and new customer, to promote and sell
Schneider product & offer, to gain customers requirements and provide technical
solution based on their needs. Candidate must process strong drive to achieve
sales target.


S1 Electrical Engineering from reputable University
Minimum 2-3 years experiences in sales and telecommunication industry
Fast learning, good analytical skill & posses strong drive.
Able to work under pressure, good teamwork.
Knowledge and previous exposure with Schneider products in Medium & Low Voltage
are definite advantages
Able to communicate in English and Computer literate

Site Service Technician - Jakarta

Responsible to support product under warranty period,
Commissioning and site intervention.Project completion and
Support product under warranty period.


Minimum Diploma III Politechnic/ Electrical or S1 Electrical Engineering
Fresh Graduate are welcome
Min English (Pasive)
Computer Knowledge, Wiring Diagram, Electrical Network Process,Aut.Hi Tech,
Technical Knowledge
Generating product knowledge in detail (commissioning, problem solving and
maintenance), Testing procedure, Setting calculation and application on any kind
of relay protection, Able to use tools of site activity
Based in Jakarta
Willing to Travel, Able to work underpressure in remote area

Sales Services Engineer - Jakarta

To promote, sell and develop service offers activity to all market segments
To reach target of order sales
To maintain and improve customer satisfaction through offering services
To fulfill customer installed base (over quota)


S1 Electrical Engineering/ min. D3 Electrical Engineering with experience in
related area
GPA min. 3.25
Exp. min 2 years, but fresh graduates is encouraged to apply.
Good skill in Schneider product knowledge, application system, technical
knowledge, negotiation, and customer relationship
Experience in automation, IT, power system
Good knowledge in competitor products and specific application of industry
Able to communicate in English and Computer literate.

Send your resume to Human Resources Division PT Schneider Indonesia at email
address below. without JPG or GIF files, attachment is not more than 500KB.
Please put the job code as email subject.

This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript
enabled to view it.

Berhubung ada gangguan di Facebook Page, untuk tetap berlangganan update info
lowongan dari silahkan follow Twitter kami di @twitlowongan atau
berlangganan melalui email di:

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Best regards,
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru

[Jual Beli Online -] JUAL Tamron 70-300mm f/4-5.6 Di LD 1:2 Macro (Built in motor) For Canon

Jual Beli Online has posted a new item, 'JUAL Tamron 70-300mm f/4-5.6 Di LD 1:2
Macro (Built in motor) For Canon'

Tamron 70-300mm f/4-5.6 Di LD 1:2 Macro (Built in motor) For Canon
Model Name: A17NII,Maximum Aperture: F/4-5.6,Lens Construction: 13 elements in 9
groups,Minimum Focus Distance: 1.5m (59) in normal setting,0.95m (37.4) in macro
mode (f=180mm-300mm range),Maximum Mag. Ratio: 1:2 (at f=300mm MFD 0.95m),Filter
Diameter: 62mm,Maximum Diameter: 76.6mm (3.0),
Overall Length: 116.5mm (4.6) *,
Angle of View: 34 21 8 15,Weight: 458g (16.2oz)


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Best regards,
Jual Beli Online