Toy has posted a new item, 'Hatsune Miku 2.0 Figma Hits Preorder'
Max Factory is commemoratiing hitting 200 figmas with n an upgraded version of
everyone's favorite idol - Hatsune Miku. The blue haired songstress is now
available for preorder ahead of an October release.
The commemorative figma No.200 is none other than an upgraded version of
everyone's favorite idol - Hatsune Miku!
The newly designed figma joints allow for all sorts of different poses!
Superior articulation helps bring out Hatsune Miku's cute side more than ever
She comes with an adorable smiling expression, an embarrassed expression and a
singing expression with a playful wink.
Optional parts include a microphone and stand, a guitar and even a pair of
angelic wings.
An articulated figma stand is included, which allows various poses to be taken.
Product Name figma Hatsune Miku 2.0 ( 2.0)
Series Character Vocal Series 01: Hatsune Miku
Manufacturer Max Factory
Price 3900(including tax)
Release Date 2013/10
Specifications Painted ABS&PVC non-scale articulated figure with stand included.
Approximately 140mm in height
Sculptor Max Factory, Masaki Asai
Released by Max Factory
Distributed by Good Smile Company
via Mika-tan Blog
Speaking of Miku, here 39channel has posted some Anime Expo coverage
------Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek
entertainment siteAin't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at@aicnanime.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
[Toy] Generation IDW 30th Anniversary Megatron
Toy has posted a new item, 'Generation IDW 30th Anniversary Megatron'
Just received the new IDW 30th Anniversary Megatron today and couldn't wait to
get my hands on this guy. He came loose as its a "back door" special. First
impression of the toy is he feels solid and I love this look for Megatron. Like
the previous 30th Annivesary deluxes I reviewed already, the transformation is
pretty simple for this guy except I had bit of an issue for the head clearance.
Its very little room for error here. So on to the review
Megatron is mainly made up of a black plastic with specks of metallic flakes in
his plastic. In stealth bomber mode he is black with some red and metallic
purple paint details
Here's a pic of the underside of the bomber mode
Here he is in robot mode, his transformation is very easy and in this mode its a
good representation of the IDW version on Earth. You see more purple in this
mode with bits of purple plastic and metallic purple paint.
The back of the robot mode is a bit hollow in the leg but still very little
The head sculpt is also a very good rendition of Megatron with his classic
bucket head and a silver painted face.
The wings form to make Megatron Rail arm cannon.
Overall I'm happy with this figure as he has nice paint apps an easy fun
transformation. His size is a bit small for Megatron but still scale well with
other deluxe figures. I wish Hasbro had made this guy a Voyager as it would have
been "Boss" if they did. Check out below for some size comparison.
Lining up well with other Deluxes
Posing with other versions of Megatron and fitting in on my classic shelf
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Best regards,
Just received the new IDW 30th Anniversary Megatron today and couldn't wait to
get my hands on this guy. He came loose as its a "back door" special. First
impression of the toy is he feels solid and I love this look for Megatron. Like
the previous 30th Annivesary deluxes I reviewed already, the transformation is
pretty simple for this guy except I had bit of an issue for the head clearance.
Its very little room for error here. So on to the review
Megatron is mainly made up of a black plastic with specks of metallic flakes in
his plastic. In stealth bomber mode he is black with some red and metallic
purple paint details
Here's a pic of the underside of the bomber mode
Here he is in robot mode, his transformation is very easy and in this mode its a
good representation of the IDW version on Earth. You see more purple in this
mode with bits of purple plastic and metallic purple paint.
The back of the robot mode is a bit hollow in the leg but still very little
The head sculpt is also a very good rendition of Megatron with his classic
bucket head and a silver painted face.
The wings form to make Megatron Rail arm cannon.
Overall I'm happy with this figure as he has nice paint apps an easy fun
transformation. His size is a bit small for Megatron but still scale well with
other deluxe figures. I wish Hasbro had made this guy a Voyager as it would have
been "Boss" if they did. Check out below for some size comparison.
Lining up well with other Deluxes
Posing with other versions of Megatron and fitting in on my classic shelf
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
[Info Resep] MIZUTAKI
Info Resep has posted a new item, 'MIZUTAKI'
[ unable to retrieve full-text content]BAHAN-BAHAN:
100 g ayam fillet
250 cc kaldu dashi kombu
1 buah tofu
1 buah hakusai (kubis cina), cincang
8 buah jamur shitake, batang dihapus
1 batang bawang prei, cuci dan iris
Shungiku (hijau kri...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
[ unable to retrieve full-text content]BAHAN-BAHAN:
100 g ayam fillet
250 cc kaldu dashi kombu
1 buah tofu
1 buah hakusai (kubis cina), cincang
8 buah jamur shitake, batang dihapus
1 batang bawang prei, cuci dan iris
Shungiku (hijau kri...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
[Info Resep] PANADA
Info Resep has posted a new item, 'PANADA'
[ unable to retrieve full-text content]BAHAN ADONAN ROTI:
- 1 sendok teh ragi butiran
- 25 ml air hangat
- 250 g tepung terigu
- 1 butir telur ayam
- 2 sendok makan gula pasir
- 1/2 sendok teh garam
- 100 ml santan hangat
- 1 sendo...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
[ unable to retrieve full-text content]BAHAN ADONAN ROTI:
- 1 sendok teh ragi butiran
- 25 ml air hangat
- 250 g tepung terigu
- 1 butir telur ayam
- 2 sendok makan gula pasir
- 1/2 sendok teh garam
- 100 ml santan hangat
- 1 sendo...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
Info Resep has posted a new item, 'PALLUMARA MAKASSAR'
[ unable to retrieve full-text content]BAHAN:
1 ekor bandeng
1 sendok teh garam
2 sendok makan air jeruk nipis
1 sendok teh kunyit halus
6 buah bawang merah, diiris halus
4 buah cabai merah, diiris halus
1 sendok teh garam
100 gram asam...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
[ unable to retrieve full-text content]BAHAN:
1 ekor bandeng
1 sendok teh garam
2 sendok makan air jeruk nipis
1 sendok teh kunyit halus
6 buah bawang merah, diiris halus
4 buah cabai merah, diiris halus
1 sendok teh garam
100 gram asam...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
[Toy] G.I. Joe: Micro Force blind bags
Toy has posted a new item, 'G.I. Joe: Micro Force blind bags'
Not often that I do a video, but I had 2 blind bags and I was all alone in the
house yesterday. The quiet was a little creepy so I thought why not open the
bags on camera? Here are the results...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Not often that I do a video, but I had 2 blind bags and I was all alone in the
house yesterday. The quiet was a little creepy so I thought why not open the
bags on camera? Here are the results...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
[Info Resep] TAMAGO
Info Resep has posted a new item, 'TAMAGO'
[ unable to retrieve full-text content]BAHAN-BAHAN:
3 butir telur ayam
3 sdm gula pasir
3 sdm mirin
Hondasi secukupnya
1. Campur semua bahan, lalu panaskan teflon yang berbentuk kotak.
2. Panaskan dengan margarin, g...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
[ unable to retrieve full-text content]BAHAN-BAHAN:
3 butir telur ayam
3 sdm gula pasir
3 sdm mirin
Hondasi secukupnya
1. Campur semua bahan, lalu panaskan teflon yang berbentuk kotak.
2. Panaskan dengan margarin, g...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
Monday, July 15, 2013
[Info Resep] Resep Gurami Saus Asam Manis Spesial Dan Praktis
Info Resep has posted a new item, 'Resep Gurami Saus Asam Manis Spesial Dan
Berikut ini Reseo Masakan Kembali harir denga Resep Baru Yaitu :Resep Gurami
Saus Asam Manis Spesial Dan Praktis, Resep ini bisa anda buat dengan bahan dasar
ikan lain atauup ayam dan sejenisnya,Resep Gurami Saus Asam Manis Spesial Dan
Praktis ini bisa dibilang praktis dan bisa juga dibilang rumit. tapi rumitnya
gara gara mbaca artikel admin dulu :P.yuppz langsung aja yukk di coba resepnya.
Bahan Bahan :
1 ekor ikan gurami sedang
2 sdt merica bubuk
1 sdt garam
80 gr tepung maizena
Minyak secukupnya (menumis ikan)
1 butir bawang bombay (cincang )
3 cm jahe, (memarkan )
½ buah paprika merah potong dadu
½ buah paprika hijau potong dadu
¼ buah nanas potong dadu
6 sdm saus tomat
2 sdm saus sambal
1 sdm gula pasir
Garam secukupnya
½ sdt penyedap
150 ml air
1 sdt tepung maizena, larutkan dengan 50 ml air
Cara Pembuatan :
Langkah Pertama Cuci semua bahan dan ikannya
Lalu Taburi gurami dengan merica bubuk dan garam. Diamkan selama satu jam.
kemudian Lumuri dengan tepug maizena lalu goreng sampai kecoklatan. Angkat dan
Dan Panaskan sedikit minyak, tumis bawang bombay dan jahe sampai layu.
Yang Terakhir Masukkan paprika dan nanas beri saus tomat,saus sambal, gula
pasir, garam, penyedap bila suka, tuang air lalu masak sampai mendidih
Kentalkan denga tepung maizena angkat. Siramkan keatas gurami goreng.
sajikan ketika hangat dan jangan lupa lalapannya biar tambah lezat.
Dan jangan lupa juga sedikit bawang goreng biar lebih nikmat dan gurih rasanya.
YuupzResep Gurami Saus Asam Manis Spesial Dan Praktis sudah jadi. jangan lupa
kunjungi terus yah. Website RESEP MASAKAN ini.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
Berikut ini Reseo Masakan Kembali harir denga Resep Baru Yaitu :Resep Gurami
Saus Asam Manis Spesial Dan Praktis, Resep ini bisa anda buat dengan bahan dasar
ikan lain atauup ayam dan sejenisnya,Resep Gurami Saus Asam Manis Spesial Dan
Praktis ini bisa dibilang praktis dan bisa juga dibilang rumit. tapi rumitnya
gara gara mbaca artikel admin dulu :P.yuppz langsung aja yukk di coba resepnya.
Bahan Bahan :
1 ekor ikan gurami sedang
2 sdt merica bubuk
1 sdt garam
80 gr tepung maizena
Minyak secukupnya (menumis ikan)
1 butir bawang bombay (cincang )
3 cm jahe, (memarkan )
½ buah paprika merah potong dadu
½ buah paprika hijau potong dadu
¼ buah nanas potong dadu
6 sdm saus tomat
2 sdm saus sambal
1 sdm gula pasir
Garam secukupnya
½ sdt penyedap
150 ml air
1 sdt tepung maizena, larutkan dengan 50 ml air
Cara Pembuatan :
Langkah Pertama Cuci semua bahan dan ikannya
Lalu Taburi gurami dengan merica bubuk dan garam. Diamkan selama satu jam.
kemudian Lumuri dengan tepug maizena lalu goreng sampai kecoklatan. Angkat dan
Dan Panaskan sedikit minyak, tumis bawang bombay dan jahe sampai layu.
Yang Terakhir Masukkan paprika dan nanas beri saus tomat,saus sambal, gula
pasir, garam, penyedap bila suka, tuang air lalu masak sampai mendidih
Kentalkan denga tepung maizena angkat. Siramkan keatas gurami goreng.
sajikan ketika hangat dan jangan lupa lalapannya biar tambah lezat.
Dan jangan lupa juga sedikit bawang goreng biar lebih nikmat dan gurih rasanya.
YuupzResep Gurami Saus Asam Manis Spesial Dan Praktis sudah jadi. jangan lupa
kunjungi terus yah. Website RESEP MASAKAN ini.
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
Info Resep has posted a new item, 'PINDANG BANDENG KECAP'
2 ekor ikan bandeng, bersihkan
500 cc air
10 buah cabai rawit
3 buah cabai merah, potong kasar
8 slung bawang merah, iris halus
4 siung bawang putih, iris halus
1 batang sere, memarkan
1 lembar daun salam
1 potong lengkuas, memarkan
5 sendok ma...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
2 ekor ikan bandeng, bersihkan
500 cc air
10 buah cabai rawit
3 buah cabai merah, potong kasar
8 slung bawang merah, iris halus
4 siung bawang putih, iris halus
1 batang sere, memarkan
1 lembar daun salam
1 potong lengkuas, memarkan
5 sendok ma...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
[Toy] Legion Class Evac
Toy has posted a new item, 'Legion Class Evac'
This little guy is supposed to be a representation of the dude you ride in, in
the Transformers Ride at Universal Studios Singapore and somewhere else. There
is the only place where you can buy a deluxe sized one, but they did have the
fore-sight to make up a smaller Legion sized fellow for general release. I
grabbed it because I think it is cool. Read on to find out why. He comes
packaged in robot mode, much like most of the legion class characters doe. What
I like about this guy is that he looks like a Cybertronian mode car with jets
and doodads sticking out the front and back. At the time, the game Fall of
Cybertron was kicking about and this guy looks like a prime candidate for that
game, he never shows in the game but its a cool vehicle nonetheless. Annoyingly
he comes with a generic legion class gummy weapon, it looks exactly like
Bumblebees weapon. It looks a bit large and derpy and I think I lost it
somewhere too. Articulation is about what you would expect from a Legion
figure. Knees, hips and shoulders all using ball joints, except for the knees
which are hinged. I would have like an elbow joint as his arms look rather long.
Ambient sculpting is pretty good and there is a LOT of detail on the little guy.
Paint work cant quite be held to the same standard though. The Autobot symbol is
nice and crisp, but he just has a big blob of white on his face, groin and some
red on his arms. I really like the look of the robot mode and he is fun to play
with. His knee does bend a little bit low, so it can look odd, but it does have
a good range of motion. The face sculpt looks like it should be nice, but the
wash on his face really does hide any details to see. Rather sad really. I love
the chest shape and how its formed as its Classic Transformer car robot.
Transformation for Evac is fun, simple and quick. Pretty much what the Legion
size is all about really. MMMMMMmmm, look at that. its muy beefy.. I love the
large jet thing on the back, big exposed wheels at the back, the laser thing
sticking out of the grill just looks so cool. The feet stick of the top vehicle
roof, but this is in line with the vehicle mode for the ride, as the black
section is where people sit and there are chairs sticking up, so that kind of
makes it cool. You can also pop him up on his rear rocket, like a rocket.
Wooo! Damn, I love this vehicle mode. I found when I had it out for the shoot,
I found myself driving it along stuff and using the jet booster to make the jump
across impossible gaps. Its a very fun toy. This is a great toy. Quick to
change, adequate robot mode and beasty looking vehicle mode all add up to a lot
of fun. I think the only people who wouldnt like it are those who arent that
fond of future cars. I do think that everyone else will love it. I do. I think
kids will too!
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
This little guy is supposed to be a representation of the dude you ride in, in
the Transformers Ride at Universal Studios Singapore and somewhere else. There
is the only place where you can buy a deluxe sized one, but they did have the
fore-sight to make up a smaller Legion sized fellow for general release. I
grabbed it because I think it is cool. Read on to find out why. He comes
packaged in robot mode, much like most of the legion class characters doe. What
I like about this guy is that he looks like a Cybertronian mode car with jets
and doodads sticking out the front and back. At the time, the game Fall of
Cybertron was kicking about and this guy looks like a prime candidate for that
game, he never shows in the game but its a cool vehicle nonetheless. Annoyingly
he comes with a generic legion class gummy weapon, it looks exactly like
Bumblebees weapon. It looks a bit large and derpy and I think I lost it
somewhere too. Articulation is about what you would expect from a Legion
figure. Knees, hips and shoulders all using ball joints, except for the knees
which are hinged. I would have like an elbow joint as his arms look rather long.
Ambient sculpting is pretty good and there is a LOT of detail on the little guy.
Paint work cant quite be held to the same standard though. The Autobot symbol is
nice and crisp, but he just has a big blob of white on his face, groin and some
red on his arms. I really like the look of the robot mode and he is fun to play
with. His knee does bend a little bit low, so it can look odd, but it does have
a good range of motion. The face sculpt looks like it should be nice, but the
wash on his face really does hide any details to see. Rather sad really. I love
the chest shape and how its formed as its Classic Transformer car robot.
Transformation for Evac is fun, simple and quick. Pretty much what the Legion
size is all about really. MMMMMMmmm, look at that. its muy beefy.. I love the
large jet thing on the back, big exposed wheels at the back, the laser thing
sticking out of the grill just looks so cool. The feet stick of the top vehicle
roof, but this is in line with the vehicle mode for the ride, as the black
section is where people sit and there are chairs sticking up, so that kind of
makes it cool. You can also pop him up on his rear rocket, like a rocket.
Wooo! Damn, I love this vehicle mode. I found when I had it out for the shoot,
I found myself driving it along stuff and using the jet booster to make the jump
across impossible gaps. Its a very fun toy. This is a great toy. Quick to
change, adequate robot mode and beasty looking vehicle mode all add up to a lot
of fun. I think the only people who wouldnt like it are those who arent that
fond of future cars. I do think that everyone else will love it. I do. I think
kids will too!
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
[Toy] 3rd Birthday Post and and Beast Wars Heinlad
Toy has posted a new item, '3rd Birthday Post and and Beast Wars Heinlad'
Woooo! Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, I am proud to announce that through
some remarkable show of both effort and resilience that I have been running this
blog for a mighty three years! Happy Birthday Tets Toys & Shenanigans! I first
started this blog as a way to use the photos of my toys that I enjoyed taking so
much, but would never get around to doing anything with. It has worked
beautifully in one respect failed in another. It has worked as I do get a way to
share my photos that I enjoy taking so much. It has failed however in that now I
have a hard drive full of pictures that I have taken for my blog. Oh well. You
win some, you lose some. On the plus side, I still enjoy taking pictures, as
well as doing posts for my blog, although sometimes it can be a fair bit of work
to get done. I initially intended to have a post every couple of days, but that
is quite a bit of work. But there ya go, I am happy with the way things are at
the moment and update when I can. After all I dont want to over do it and begin
hating the things I love.Ive met a great bunch of dudes as well. Special howdies
go out to Westen who has a developing blog and youtube channel. His video is a
bit choppy, but he says some good stuff. Drunketh from Horror movies and Beer
for some incredibly amusing reviews of videos, movies, toys and of course beers.
Gord, Colby, Heroic Decepticon and everybody else for the interaction and
motivation and um, browse-ivation ( ?).And so, to celebrate I have dedicated
this post to the 3rd Anniversary. Why? Because it is the most amusing (quirky?)
Beast Wars figure I know of. Heinlad. And I think that may summ up my blog
Oh Heinlad. Or Maybe Heinrad. Its open to interpretation. I love this guy and my
first meeting with him was in the early 2000s. I was at a friends place and he
was showing off some nice Beast Wars Bots. Among them was the mighty Big Convoy
and Heinlad (naturally) he first came to my attention as he has testicles. Stay
with me, this will make sense later on.
He comes in a nice little windowed box with Cybertoron sprawled across the side.
Oh Japanese Phonetics, how you make me chuckle sometimes. This is a reissue of
the original toy. The first release was a rather ridiculously expensive piece on
the second hand market for a while, but then Takara reissued him and they lost
value. I got this guy for $25.
One (of the many) special things this guy has is a clock face on his chest. He
is a working alarm clock run on batteries and is pretty noisy too. In the
cartoon (Beast Wars Neo) he is an enigmatic character with time altering powers.
Hence the clock.
He comes with a batch of stuff and the typical character card and the like.
Heinlad is a Japanese Tanuki. Often referred to as Raccoon dog, although I dont
think they are related to raccoons. He is also a clock. Now the Tanuki in
Japanese folk-lore is a magical creature, but not mischievous and are known for
their testes. There is a saying in Japan that translated equates to Even when
there is no wind, the Tanukis testicles blow in the wind. No! Really, there is.
If you doubt me, just check up Tanuki on Wikipedia or something. Or watch the
Pom Poko (by studio Ghibli) anime. Its great! I am not really one who likes
beast figures, as I dont really see the point but I do like mechanical beasts.
Luckily for me, old Heinlad here has a mechanically bit in him. So with that in
mind and since he is packaged in beast mode, lets have a look at the beast mode.
The articulation is pretty good and in a nice touch you can have him standing on
his hind legs like the typical tanuki statue that you see hanging around place
in Japan, or you can have him on all fours like a real life tanuki. Despite the
animal head breaking in half for the transformation, it has a remarkable amount
of movement to it due to the rather clever application of joints. He has lots of
lovely hinge and ball joints, including one for his thumb, which is needed to
hold the gun (in a way) and to make the transition from one form to another.
He has cute little paws printed on the bottom of his feet as well, which is a
cute touch. The clock is a working clock and can be set to work, but the switch
to turn of the alarm is the robots head, so unless you want to transform it with
the alarm going off as a challenge to wake you up, Id suggest only using the
alarm in robot mode. Most if not all the Beast Wars toys had a Spark crystal in
them which worked as a faction symbol for them. Much like the old G1 Rub signs.
What I find amusing about Heinlads is that his in in his NUTSACK!As you can see,
he has nice fur sculpting all over and the only bummer is the robot parts
hanging off of his bumb. Rather cleverly his guns missiles fit rather nicely in
his back pack. I like self contained stuff like that! They can stay plugged in
when in robot mode as well. He just has missiles hanging off his legs.
Oh, I almost forgot. What does any childrens toy need? (aside from testicles of
course).An alcohol reference!!! Oh Japan, how I love you!Heinlad comes with two.
The first is obvious and the one I like the most. A sake bottle. YUM!And the
other is a bit more vague. A vintners book apparently. Which is a wine maker.
Hmm, ok.
They both come with string and he can hold them merrily. Cleverly they combine
to form his rifle.
Nice hey? And with making a nice enough segue, lets check out that sexy robot
mode. Will the testicles carry over too???
Yes they have, but they have moved to the side. Transformation is simple and
obvious, probably the trickiest part is positioning the tanuki head. And that
isnt very tricky. I suspect the simple transformation is due to the clock that
takes up most of hi chest space but I am not complaining. In a rare circumstance
for Transformers, the gimmick (the clock) doesnt ruin the robot (or beast) mode
at all.As you can see, he has some nice Maximal-ish blues and whites going on
and articulation is pretty good. Balancing him can be tricky at times, as he has
pointed feet, but the toes and heel spurs are large enough. The shoulders are a
bit limiting because of the join, but just make sure you are aware of their
range of movement and think about how you want to have his arm pointed before
going and trying to move a joint in a way it might not be designed to move.
That red bit on the bottom left picture above has his spark crystal.It always
has struck me that he has almost Optimus Like colours and styling in his head
and he has hair sculpt on the back. The green goggles can be left on his head or
slid over his eyes, I like this as it really adds to his play options, just
think, when he engages his time shifting skills he has to put his goggles on.
I like it. I love that his robot eyes have the black around them, just like a
tanukis eyes and the blue part of the head has the hair interweaved through it
in a way, making it look like he has a mask on. A rather nice blending of
elements there.When you have the missiles mounted in the gun, he is armed like
There is some nice sculpting on the robot parts and his head can grow a neck if
you are using him as an alarm.
The only real downer about this idea though is that he isnt as stable in robot
mode as he is in Tanuki so he will probably fall over somewhere along the lines.
You can split the tanuki head in half and have the robot head exposed, but the
rest of the body in robot mode. It does defeat the purpose and take away the fun
a little bit though I think.Altogether though, Heinlad here is a lovely little
action figure. Actually, he isnt that small standing at around the 18cm mark,
but he is still lovely. Heinlad is a great example of a toy being based around a
specific gimmick, in this case a working analogue clock and still being a great
action figure and Transformer too. He isnt hindered by the clock in his chest at
all. Even the shoulders, while being awkward are adaptable and not ruined. In
fact they manage to keep the appearance of a heavy fur padding around there as
the shoulder bends from the bicep area. He even retains a waist swivel!!The
great toy is only enhanced by the silliness of this figure. The weapons and his
BALLS add an incredible amount of personality to this guy, his skills with time
and the funky goggles add heaps of play options to him and his mysterious stats
of all question marks, except for his rank(7) makes him a magical little quirky
character and I wish there was an version of BW Neo cartoon floating around
somewhere. Id even accept a completely Japanese version. Well, one that isnt
$350.Omake.Heeeeeyyy Baby!
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Woooo! Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, I am proud to announce that through
some remarkable show of both effort and resilience that I have been running this
blog for a mighty three years! Happy Birthday Tets Toys & Shenanigans! I first
started this blog as a way to use the photos of my toys that I enjoyed taking so
much, but would never get around to doing anything with. It has worked
beautifully in one respect failed in another. It has worked as I do get a way to
share my photos that I enjoy taking so much. It has failed however in that now I
have a hard drive full of pictures that I have taken for my blog. Oh well. You
win some, you lose some. On the plus side, I still enjoy taking pictures, as
well as doing posts for my blog, although sometimes it can be a fair bit of work
to get done. I initially intended to have a post every couple of days, but that
is quite a bit of work. But there ya go, I am happy with the way things are at
the moment and update when I can. After all I dont want to over do it and begin
hating the things I love.Ive met a great bunch of dudes as well. Special howdies
go out to Westen who has a developing blog and youtube channel. His video is a
bit choppy, but he says some good stuff. Drunketh from Horror movies and Beer
for some incredibly amusing reviews of videos, movies, toys and of course beers.
Gord, Colby, Heroic Decepticon and everybody else for the interaction and
motivation and um, browse-ivation ( ?).And so, to celebrate I have dedicated
this post to the 3rd Anniversary. Why? Because it is the most amusing (quirky?)
Beast Wars figure I know of. Heinlad. And I think that may summ up my blog
Oh Heinlad. Or Maybe Heinrad. Its open to interpretation. I love this guy and my
first meeting with him was in the early 2000s. I was at a friends place and he
was showing off some nice Beast Wars Bots. Among them was the mighty Big Convoy
and Heinlad (naturally) he first came to my attention as he has testicles. Stay
with me, this will make sense later on.
He comes in a nice little windowed box with Cybertoron sprawled across the side.
Oh Japanese Phonetics, how you make me chuckle sometimes. This is a reissue of
the original toy. The first release was a rather ridiculously expensive piece on
the second hand market for a while, but then Takara reissued him and they lost
value. I got this guy for $25.
One (of the many) special things this guy has is a clock face on his chest. He
is a working alarm clock run on batteries and is pretty noisy too. In the
cartoon (Beast Wars Neo) he is an enigmatic character with time altering powers.
Hence the clock.
He comes with a batch of stuff and the typical character card and the like.
Heinlad is a Japanese Tanuki. Often referred to as Raccoon dog, although I dont
think they are related to raccoons. He is also a clock. Now the Tanuki in
Japanese folk-lore is a magical creature, but not mischievous and are known for
their testes. There is a saying in Japan that translated equates to Even when
there is no wind, the Tanukis testicles blow in the wind. No! Really, there is.
If you doubt me, just check up Tanuki on Wikipedia or something. Or watch the
Pom Poko (by studio Ghibli) anime. Its great! I am not really one who likes
beast figures, as I dont really see the point but I do like mechanical beasts.
Luckily for me, old Heinlad here has a mechanically bit in him. So with that in
mind and since he is packaged in beast mode, lets have a look at the beast mode.
The articulation is pretty good and in a nice touch you can have him standing on
his hind legs like the typical tanuki statue that you see hanging around place
in Japan, or you can have him on all fours like a real life tanuki. Despite the
animal head breaking in half for the transformation, it has a remarkable amount
of movement to it due to the rather clever application of joints. He has lots of
lovely hinge and ball joints, including one for his thumb, which is needed to
hold the gun (in a way) and to make the transition from one form to another.
He has cute little paws printed on the bottom of his feet as well, which is a
cute touch. The clock is a working clock and can be set to work, but the switch
to turn of the alarm is the robots head, so unless you want to transform it with
the alarm going off as a challenge to wake you up, Id suggest only using the
alarm in robot mode. Most if not all the Beast Wars toys had a Spark crystal in
them which worked as a faction symbol for them. Much like the old G1 Rub signs.
What I find amusing about Heinlads is that his in in his NUTSACK!As you can see,
he has nice fur sculpting all over and the only bummer is the robot parts
hanging off of his bumb. Rather cleverly his guns missiles fit rather nicely in
his back pack. I like self contained stuff like that! They can stay plugged in
when in robot mode as well. He just has missiles hanging off his legs.
Oh, I almost forgot. What does any childrens toy need? (aside from testicles of
course).An alcohol reference!!! Oh Japan, how I love you!Heinlad comes with two.
The first is obvious and the one I like the most. A sake bottle. YUM!And the
other is a bit more vague. A vintners book apparently. Which is a wine maker.
Hmm, ok.
They both come with string and he can hold them merrily. Cleverly they combine
to form his rifle.
Nice hey? And with making a nice enough segue, lets check out that sexy robot
mode. Will the testicles carry over too???
Yes they have, but they have moved to the side. Transformation is simple and
obvious, probably the trickiest part is positioning the tanuki head. And that
isnt very tricky. I suspect the simple transformation is due to the clock that
takes up most of hi chest space but I am not complaining. In a rare circumstance
for Transformers, the gimmick (the clock) doesnt ruin the robot (or beast) mode
at all.As you can see, he has some nice Maximal-ish blues and whites going on
and articulation is pretty good. Balancing him can be tricky at times, as he has
pointed feet, but the toes and heel spurs are large enough. The shoulders are a
bit limiting because of the join, but just make sure you are aware of their
range of movement and think about how you want to have his arm pointed before
going and trying to move a joint in a way it might not be designed to move.
That red bit on the bottom left picture above has his spark crystal.It always
has struck me that he has almost Optimus Like colours and styling in his head
and he has hair sculpt on the back. The green goggles can be left on his head or
slid over his eyes, I like this as it really adds to his play options, just
think, when he engages his time shifting skills he has to put his goggles on.
I like it. I love that his robot eyes have the black around them, just like a
tanukis eyes and the blue part of the head has the hair interweaved through it
in a way, making it look like he has a mask on. A rather nice blending of
elements there.When you have the missiles mounted in the gun, he is armed like
There is some nice sculpting on the robot parts and his head can grow a neck if
you are using him as an alarm.
The only real downer about this idea though is that he isnt as stable in robot
mode as he is in Tanuki so he will probably fall over somewhere along the lines.
You can split the tanuki head in half and have the robot head exposed, but the
rest of the body in robot mode. It does defeat the purpose and take away the fun
a little bit though I think.Altogether though, Heinlad here is a lovely little
action figure. Actually, he isnt that small standing at around the 18cm mark,
but he is still lovely. Heinlad is a great example of a toy being based around a
specific gimmick, in this case a working analogue clock and still being a great
action figure and Transformer too. He isnt hindered by the clock in his chest at
all. Even the shoulders, while being awkward are adaptable and not ruined. In
fact they manage to keep the appearance of a heavy fur padding around there as
the shoulder bends from the bicep area. He even retains a waist swivel!!The
great toy is only enhanced by the silliness of this figure. The weapons and his
BALLS add an incredible amount of personality to this guy, his skills with time
and the funky goggles add heaps of play options to him and his mysterious stats
of all question marks, except for his rank(7) makes him a magical little quirky
character and I wish there was an version of BW Neo cartoon floating around
somewhere. Id even accept a completely Japanese version. Well, one that isnt
$350.Omake.Heeeeeyyy Baby!
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Best regards,
Info Resep has posted a new item, 'PIE ISI BROWNIES'
- Tepung terigu 200 gram
- Gula halus 50 gram
- Mentega 100 gram
- Kuning telur 4 butir
- Vanili bubuk 1/2 sendok tehBROWNIES:BAHAN A:
- Cokelat masak milk 100 gram
- Margarin 50 gram
- Minyak sayur 20 mlBAHAN B:
- Telur 2 butir
- Gula pasir halus 175 gram
- Susu kental manis cokelat 2 sendok makanBAHAN C:
- 125 gram tepung terigu
- Cokelat bubuk 25 gram
- Susu bubuk 25 gram
- Baking powder 1/2 sendok tehHIASAN:
- Cokelat masak milk 50 gram, tim hingga leleh
- Cokelat chip mini secukupnyaCARA MEMBUAT PIE ISI BROWNIES:
1. Pai: Campur semua bahan hingga rata, sisihkan.
2. Brownies: Tim bahan A hingga leleh, sisihkan.
3. Kocok bahan B hingga gula larut, masukkan bahan A, aduk rata.
4. Masukkan bahan C yang telah diayak, aduk rata.
5. Ambil adonan kulit pai satu sendok teh, letakkan dalam loyang pai,
tekan-tekan hingga padat, tusuk-tusuk alasnya dengan garpu.
6. Tuang adonan brownies ke dalam kulit pai lalu panggang dalam oven dengan suhu
selama 30 menit, angkat dan dinginkan.
7. Hias dengan bahan hiasan atau sesuai selera.
Hasil jadi 40 buah.
(HobiMasak: GRATIS Ongkos Kirim setiap pemesanan Rendang Kaleng Paket D atau
Paket F untuk wilayah Yogyakarta, Jabodetabek, Bandung, Semarang, Solo, dan
Surabaya. Pesan sekarang!)
Suka postingan ini? Bagikan dan Tinggalkan komentar di bawah ini, terima kasih!
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
- Tepung terigu 200 gram
- Gula halus 50 gram
- Mentega 100 gram
- Kuning telur 4 butir
- Vanili bubuk 1/2 sendok tehBROWNIES:BAHAN A:
- Cokelat masak milk 100 gram
- Margarin 50 gram
- Minyak sayur 20 mlBAHAN B:
- Telur 2 butir
- Gula pasir halus 175 gram
- Susu kental manis cokelat 2 sendok makanBAHAN C:
- 125 gram tepung terigu
- Cokelat bubuk 25 gram
- Susu bubuk 25 gram
- Baking powder 1/2 sendok tehHIASAN:
- Cokelat masak milk 50 gram, tim hingga leleh
- Cokelat chip mini secukupnyaCARA MEMBUAT PIE ISI BROWNIES:
1. Pai: Campur semua bahan hingga rata, sisihkan.
2. Brownies: Tim bahan A hingga leleh, sisihkan.
3. Kocok bahan B hingga gula larut, masukkan bahan A, aduk rata.
4. Masukkan bahan C yang telah diayak, aduk rata.
5. Ambil adonan kulit pai satu sendok teh, letakkan dalam loyang pai,
tekan-tekan hingga padat, tusuk-tusuk alasnya dengan garpu.
6. Tuang adonan brownies ke dalam kulit pai lalu panggang dalam oven dengan suhu
selama 30 menit, angkat dan dinginkan.
7. Hias dengan bahan hiasan atau sesuai selera.
Hasil jadi 40 buah.
(HobiMasak: GRATIS Ongkos Kirim setiap pemesanan Rendang Kaleng Paket D atau
Paket F untuk wilayah Yogyakarta, Jabodetabek, Bandung, Semarang, Solo, dan
Surabaya. Pesan sekarang!)
Suka postingan ini? Bagikan dan Tinggalkan komentar di bawah ini, terima kasih!
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
Info Resep has posted a new item, 'IKAN KAMBU MAKASSAR'
2 ekor (480 gram) ikan bandeng
150 gram kentang, dikupas, digoreng, dihaluskan
2 batang daun bawang, diiris halus
1 butir telur, dikocok lepas
10 butir bawang merah, diiris tipis, digoreng untuk taburan
Minyak untuk menggorengBUMBU DIHALUSKAN:
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
2 ekor (480 gram) ikan bandeng
150 gram kentang, dikupas, digoreng, dihaluskan
2 batang daun bawang, diiris halus
1 butir telur, dikocok lepas
10 butir bawang merah, diiris tipis, digoreng untuk taburan
Minyak untuk menggorengBUMBU DIHALUSKAN:
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
Sunday, July 14, 2013
[Info Resep] TRUFFLE PIE
Info Resep has posted a new item, 'TRUFFLE PIE'
500 gram sisa kue coklat/cupcake coklat/ muffin coklat, hancurkan
75 ml whipeream cair
50 ml susu cair putih
125 gram Dark Cooking Chocolate (DCC), cincang kasar
Rhum (optional)
Kulit pie manis, boleh dioles DCC boleh tidak
White Cooking Chocol...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
500 gram sisa kue coklat/cupcake coklat/ muffin coklat, hancurkan
75 ml whipeream cair
50 ml susu cair putih
125 gram Dark Cooking Chocolate (DCC), cincang kasar
Rhum (optional)
Kulit pie manis, boleh dioles DCC boleh tidak
White Cooking Chocol...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
Info Resep has posted a new item, 'CHICKEN KARAGE'
3 buah paha ayam
2 sdt jahe parut
1 sdm soy sauce
1 sdm sake anggur beras
50 g pati jagung untuk coating
Minyak sayur untuk menggoreng secukupnya
Lada secukupnya
Bersihkan paha ayam pisahkan da...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
3 buah paha ayam
2 sdt jahe parut
1 sdm soy sauce
1 sdm sake anggur beras
50 g pati jagung untuk coating
Minyak sayur untuk menggoreng secukupnya
Lada secukupnya
Bersihkan paha ayam pisahkan da...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
[Toy] G.I. Joe anyone?
Toy has posted a new item, 'G.I. Joe anyone?'
If you've been reading my blog for anytime you might recall a post from a year
or so ago where my G.I. Joe display rack on my wall fell. My figures and their
accessories went everywhere. Since I couldn't figure out how to hang the rack
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
If you've been reading my blog for anytime you might recall a post from a year
or so ago where my G.I. Joe display rack on my wall fell. My figures and their
accessories went everywhere. Since I couldn't figure out how to hang the rack
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
[Info Resep] Resep Nasi Goreng Spesial Pedas
Info Resep has posted a new item, 'Resep Nasi Goreng Spesial Pedas'
Resep Nasi Goreng Spesial Pedas -Resep Nasi Goreng Spesial Pedas hallo para
pembaca blog Menu Buka Puasa, lagi dan lagi hari ini kita Masih akan membahas
mengenai Resep Nasi Goreng Setelah sebelumnya saya Sempat berbagi mengenai Resep
Nasi Goreng...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
Resep Nasi Goreng Spesial Pedas -Resep Nasi Goreng Spesial Pedas hallo para
pembaca blog Menu Buka Puasa, lagi dan lagi hari ini kita Masih akan membahas
mengenai Resep Nasi Goreng Setelah sebelumnya saya Sempat berbagi mengenai Resep
Nasi Goreng...
You may view the latest post at
Best regards,
Info Resep
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