Pusat Informasi Beasiswa has posted a new item, 'Beasiswa Komputer & Telkom Swis
Summer Internships for BSc and MSc Students'
Beasiswa Swis Bidang komputer Summer Internships for BSc and MSc Students
The School of Computer and Communication Sciences provides internship
opportunities in the Summer period for students enrolled in BSc, MSc, or
equivalent programmes in Computer Science, Computer Engineering,
Telecommunications, or Electrical Engineering. Internships are assigned
competitively to students with excellent academic results.
During a period of at least two months and including the whole month of July,
internship students get the chance to learn new skills and to gain hands-on
experience in their chosen field while working personally with leading senior
scientists. Participating students will work in a research unit, typically to
solve problems which are usually part of major research efforts. Often, this
will lead to performing challenging programming or design tasks to prove new
concepts. Being an intern at EPFL is a highly motivating learning and working
experience in a competitive research environment, but it is also a great way to
get familiar with another culture, to start building a network of connections in
Switzerland, and to get prepared for a global career! And, last but not least,
it is a chance to spend some months in a region rich of natural attractions and
offering a multitude of leisure opportunities.
PRACTICAL STEPS DATES (every calendar year)
Application by the student Before around 1st FEBRUARY (3rd FEBRUARY 2013)
IC decision on acceptance Before around 1st MARCH (communicated by e-mail)
Beginning of internship Usually after 1st MAY
End of internship Usually before 1st SEPTEMBER
The minimum duration of an internship is two months but longer stays are
strongly encouraged. The exact duration depends on the availability of
participating students and on the agreement of the hosting laboratories. It is
strongly recommended that the internship period includes the whole month of July
to enable participation in some programme-wide activities.
Internships require full-time commitment (~40 hours/week). Therefore,
participating students cannot attend another summer school or commit to other
activities that could interfere with their work schedule.
Applicants must be enrolled in a 3- or 4-year BSc programme or a 1- or 2-year
MSc programme (or equivalent undergraduate programmes). Students enrolled in PhD
programmes are not eligible.
Students in Indian institutions should submit their applications to the
dedicated programme.
The BSc or MSc programmes must be in Computer Science, Computer Engineering,
Telecommunications, Electrical Engineering, or a closely related field.
Applicants, at the time of application, must be currently enrolled in the 2nd
year BSc or above (therefore, they must have successfully completed their 1st
study year of the BSc).
Scholarships: CHF 1,600.- per month (CHF 400.- per week).
Refund of travelling cost (2nd class train ticket or low-cost/economy airfare,
only after written approval by the hosting laboratory).
Please use the application web site (usually open one month before the
Besides some basic information about yourself, you can attach a 1-page Letter
of Motivation in PDF or ASCII (no other formats accepted).
You should use the Letter of Motivation to describe your scientific interests
and the reasons that made you apply.
Please check in : http://ic.epfl.ch/SummerAtEPFL
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Best regards,
Pusat Informasi Beasiswa
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